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By Kajigal

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C-Cushioning Charm, Hermione spluttered, as Ron pulled her to her feet, but to Harrys horror he saw that she was no longer Bellatrix; instead she stood there in overlarge robes, sopping wet and completely herself; Ron was red-haired and beardless again. They were realizing it himdi they looked at each other, feeling their own faces. The Thiefs Downfall. said Griphook, clambering to his hinri and looking back at the deluge onto the tracks, which, Harry knew now, had been more than water. It washes away all enchantment, all magical concealment. They know there are impostors in Gringotts, they have set off defenses against hindu. Harry saw Hermione checking that she still had the beaded bag, and hurriedly doenload his own hand under his jacket to make sure xho had not lost the Invisibility Cloak. Then he turned to see Bogrod shaking his head in bewilderment: The Thiefs Downfall seemed to have lifted the Imperius Curse. We need him, said Griphook, we cannot enter the vault without a Gringotts goblin. And we need the Clankers. Imperio. Harry said again; his voice echoed through the stone passage as he felt again the sense of heady control that flowed from brain to wand. Bogrod submitted once more to his will, his befuddled expression changing to one of polite indifference, as Ron hurried to pick up the leather bag of metal tools. Pubg game download hindi cho, I think I can hear people coming. said Hermione, and she pointed Bellatrixs wand at the waterfall and cried, Protego. They saw the Shield Charm break the flow of enchanted water as it flew up the passageway. Good thinking, said Harry. Lead the way, Griphook. How are we going to get out again. Ron asked as they hurried on foot into the darkness after the goblin, Bogrod panting in their wake like an old dog. Lets worry about that when we have to, said Harry. Ddownload was trying to listen: He thought he could hear something clanking and moving around nearby. Himdi, how much farther. Not far, Harry Potter, not far. And they turned a corner and saw the thing for which Harry had been prepared, but which still brought all of them to a halt. A gigantic dragon was tethered to the ground in front of them, barring access to four or five of the deepest vaults in the place. The beasts scales had turned pale and flaky during its long incarceration under the ground; its eyes were milkily pink; both rear legs bore heavy cuffs from which chains downkoad to enormous pegs driven deep into the rocky floor. Its great spiked wings, folded close to its body, would have filled the chamber if it spread them, and when it turned its ugly head toward them, it roared with a noise that made the rock tremble, opened its mouth, and spat a jet of fire that sent them running back up the passageway. It is partially blind, panted Griphook, but even more savage for that. However, we have the means to control it. It has learned what to expect when the Clankers come. Give them to me. Ron passed the bag to Griphook, gxme the goblin pulled out a number of small metal instruments that when downloav made a loud, ringing noise like miniature hammers on anvils. Griphook handed them out: Bogrod accepted his meekly. You know what to do, Griphook told Harry, Ron, and Hermione. It will expect pain when it hears the noise: It will retreat, and Bogrod must place his palm upon the door of the vault. They advanced around the corner again, shaking the Clankers, and the noise echoed off the rocky walls, grossly magnified, so that the inside of Harrys skull seemed to vibrate with the din. The dragon let out another hoarse roar, then retreated. Harry could see it trembling, and as they drew nearer he saw the scars made by vicious slashes across its face, and guessed that ddownload had been taught to fear hot swords when it heard the sound of the Clankers. Make him press his hand to the door. Griphook urged Harry, who turned his wand again upon Bogrod. The old goblin obeyed, pressing his palm to the wood, and the door of the vault melted away to reveal a cavelike opening crammed from floor to ceiling with golden coins and goblets, silver armor, the skins of strange creatures - some with long spines, others with Pubg game download hindi cho wings - potions in jeweled flasks, and a skull still wearing a crown. Search, fast. said Harry as they all hurried inside the vault. He had described Hufflepuffs cup to Ron and Hermione, but if it was the other, chi Horcrux that resided in this vault, he did not know what it looked like. He barely had time uPbg glance around, however, before there was a muffled clunk from behind them: Fho door had reappeared, sealing them inside the vault, and they were plunged into total darkness. No matter, Bogrod will be gaem to release us. said Griphook as Ron gave himdi shout of go here. Light your wands, cant you. And hurry, we have very little time. Lumos. Harry shone his lit wand around the vault: Its beam fell upon glittering jewels; he saw the fake sword gindi Gryffindor lying on a high shelf amongst a jumble of chains. Ron and Hermione had lit their wands too, and were now examining the piles of objects surrounding them. Harry, could this be -. Aargh. Hermione screamed in pain, and Harry turned his wand on her in time to see a jeweled goblet tumbling from her grip. But as it fell, it split, became a shower of goblets, so that a second later, with a great clatter, the floor was covered in identical cups rolling in every direction, the original impossible to discern amongst them. It burned me. moaned Hermione, sucking her blistered fingers. They have added Gemino and Flagrante Curses. said Griphook. Everything you touch will burn and multiply, but the copies are worthless - and if you continue to handle the treasure, you will eventually be crushed to death by the weight of expanding gold. Okay, dont touch anything. said Harry desperately, but even as he said it, Ron accidentally nudged one of the fallen goblets with his foot, and twenty more exploded into being while Ron hopped on the spot, part of his shoe burned away by contact with the hot metal. Stand still, dont move. said Hermione, clutching at Ron. Just look around. said Harry. Remember, the cups small and gold, its got a badger engraved on it, two handles - otherwise see if you can spot Ravenclaws symbol anywhere, the eagle - They directed their wands into every nook and crevice, turning cautiously on the spot. It was impossible not to brush up against anything; Harry sent a great cascade of fake Galleons onto the ground where they joined the goblets, and now there gmae scarcely room to place their feet, and the glowing gold blazed with heat, so that the vault felt like a furnace. Harrys wandlight passed over shields and goblin-made helmets set on shelves rising to the ceiling; higher and higher he raised the beam, until suddenly it found an object that made his heart skip and his hand tremble. Its there, its up there. Ron and Hermione pointed their wands at it too, so that the little golden cup sparkled in a three-way spotlight: the cup that had hondi to Helga Hufflepuff, which had passed into the possession of Hepzibah Smith, from whom it had been stolen by Tom Riddle. And how the hell are we going to get up there without touching anything. asked Ron. Accio Cup. cried Hermione, who had evidently forgotten in her desperation what Griphook had told them during their planning sessions. No use, no use. snarled the goblin. Then what do we do. said Harry, glaring at the goblin. If you want the sword, Griphook, then youll have to help us more than - wait. Can I touch stuff with the sword. Hermione, give it here. Hermione fumbled inside her robes, drew out the choo bag, rummaged for a few seconds, then removed the shining sword. Harry Pbug it by its rubied hilt and touched the tip of the blade to a silver flagon nearby, which did not multiply. If I can just poke the sword through a handle - but how am I going to get up click here. The shelf on which the cup reposed was out of reach for any of them, even Ron, who was tallest. The heat from the enchanted treasure rose in waves, and sweat ran down Harrys face and back as he struggled to think of a way up to the cup; and then he heard the dragon roar on the other side of the vault door, and the sound of clanking growing louder and louder. They were truly trapped now: There was no way out except through the door, and a horde of goblins seemed to be approaching on the other side. Harry looked at Ron and Hermione and saw terror in their faces. Hermione, said Harry as the clanking grew louder, Ive got to get up there, weve got to get rid of it - She raised her wand, pointed it at Harry, and whispered, Levicorpus. Hoisted into the air by his ankle, Harry hit a suit of armor and replicas burst out of it like white-hot bodies, filling the cramped space. With screams of pain Ron, Hermione, and the two goblins were knocked aside into other objects, which also began to replicate. Half buried in a rising tide of red-hot treasure, they struggled and yelled as Harry thrust the sword through the handle of Hufflepuffs cup, hooking it onto the blade. Impervius. screeched Hermione in an attempt to protect herself, Ron, and the goblins from the burning metal. Then the worst scream yet made Harry look down: Ron and Hermione were waist-deep in treasure, struggling to keep Bogrod from slipping beneath the rising tide, but Griphook had sunk out of sight and nothing but the tips of a few long fingers were left in view. Harry seized Griphooks fingers and pulled. The blistered goblin emerged by degrees, howling. Liberacorpus. yelled Harry, and with a crash he and Griphook landed on the surface of the swelling treasure, and the sword flew out of Harrys hand. Get it. Harry yelled, fighting the pain of the hot metal on his skin, link Griphook clambered onto his shoulders again, determined to avoid the swelling mass of red-hot objects. Wheres the sword. It had the cup on it. The clanking on the other side of the door was growing deafening - it was too late - There. It was Griphook who had seen it and Griphook who lunged, and in that instant Harry knew that the goblin had never expected them to keep their word. One hand holding tightly to a fistful of Harrys hair, to make sure he did not fall into the heaving sea of burning gold, Griphook seized the hilt of the gwme and swung it high out of Harrys reach. The tiny golden cup, skewered by the handle on the swords blade, was flung into the Pubg game download hindi cho. The goblin still astride him, Harry dived and caught it, and although he could feel it scalding his flesh he did not relinquish it, even while countless Hufflepuff cups burst from his fist, raining down upon him as the entrance of the vault opened up downloar and he found himself sliding uncontrollably on an expanding avalanche of fiery gold pubg pc free java silver that bore him, Ron, and Hermione into the outer chamber. Hardly aware of the pain from the burns covering his body, and still borne along on the swell of replicating treasure, Harry shoved the cup into his pocket and reached up to retrieve the sword, but Griphook was gone. Sliding from Harrys shoulders the moment click here could, he had sprinted for cover amongst the surrounding goblins, brandishing the sword and crying, Thieves. Thieves. Help. Thieves. He vanished into the midst of the advancing crowd, all of whom were holding daggers and who accepted him without question. Slipping on the hot metal, Harry struggled to his feet Pubg game download hindi cho knew that the only way out was through. Stupefy. he bellowed, and Ron and Hermione joined in: Jets of red light flew into the crowd of goblins, and some toppled over, but others advanced, and Harry saw several wizard guards running around the corner. The tethered dragon let out a roar, and a gush of flame flew over the goblins: The wizards fled, doubled-up, back Puvg way they had come, and inspiration, or madness, came to Harry. Pointing his wand at the thick cuffs chaining the beast to the floor, he yelled, Relashio. The cuffs broke open with loud bangs. This way. Harry yelled, and still shooting Stunning Spells at the advancing goblins, he sprinted toward the blind dragon. Harry - Harry - what are you doing. cried Hermione. Get up, climb up, come on - The dragon had not realized that it was free: Harrys foot found the crook of its hind leg and he pulled himself up onto its back. The scales were hard as steel; it did not even seem to feel him. He stretched out an arm; Hermione hoisted herself up; Ron climbed on behind them, and a second later the dragon became aware that it was untethered. With a roar it reared: Harry dug in his knees, clutching as tightly as he could to the jagged scales as the wings opened, knocking the shrieking goblins aside like skittles, and it soared into the air. Harry, Ron, and Hermione, flat on its back, scraped against the ceiling as it dived toward the passage opening, while the pursuing goblins hurled daggers that glanced off its flanks. Well never get out, its too big. Hermione screamed, but the dragon opened its mouth and belched dlwnload again, blasting the tunnel, whose floors and ceiling cracked and crumbled. By sheer force the dragon clawed and fought its way through. Harrys eyes were shut tight against the heat and dust: Deafened by the crashing of rock and the check this out roars, he could only cling to its back, expecting to be shaken off at any moment; then he heard Hermione yelling, Defodio. She was helping the dragon enlarge the passageway, carving out the ceiling as it struggled upward toward the fresher air, away from the shrieking and clanking goblins: Harry and Ron copied her, blasting the ceiling apart with more dwnload spells. They passed the underground lake, and the great crawling, snarling beast seemed to sense freedom and space ahead of it, and behind them the passage was full chl the dragons thrashing, spiked tail, of great lumps of rock, gigantic fractured stalactites, and the clanking of the goblins seemed to be growing more muffled, while ahead, the dragons fire kept their progress clear - And then at last, by the combined force of their spells and the dragons brute strength, they had blasted their way out of the passage into the marble hallway. Goblins and wizards shrieked and ran for cover, and finally the dragon had room to stretch its wings: Turning its horned head toward the cool outside hinid it could smell beyond the entrance, it took off, and with Harry, Ron, and Hermione still clinging to its back, it forced its way through the metal doors, leaving them buckled and hanging from their hinges, as it staggered into Diagon Alley and launched itself into the sky. T CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN THE FINAL HIDING PLACE here was no means of steering; the dragon could not see where it was going, and Harry knew that if it turned sharply or rolled in midair they would find it impossible to cling onto its broad back. Nevertheless, as they climbed higher and higher, London unfurling below them like a gray-andgreen map, Harrys overwhelming feeling was of gratitude for an escape that had seemed impossible. Crouching low over the beasts neck, he clung tight to the metallic scales, and the cool breeze was soothing on his burned and blistered skin, the dragons wings beating the air like the sails of a windmill. Behind him, whether from delight or fear he could not tell, Ron kept swearing at the top of his voice, and Hermione seemed to be sobbing. After five minutes or so, Harry lost some of his immediate dread that the dragon was going to throw them off, for it seemed intent on nothing but getting as far away from its underground prison as possible; but the question of how and when they were to dismount remained rather frightening. He had no idea how long dragons could fly without landing, nor how this particular dragon, which could barely see, would locate a good place to put down. He glanced around constantly, imagining that he could feel his scar prickling. How long would it be before Voldemort knew that they had broken into the Lestranges vault. How soon would the goblins of Gringotts notify Bellatrix. How quickly would they realize what had been taken. And then, when they please click for source that the golden cup was missing. Voldemort would know, at last, that they were hunting Horcruxes. The dragon seemed to crave cooler and fresher air: It climbed steadily until they were flying through wisps of chilly cloud, and Harry could no longer make out the little colored dots which were cars pouring in and out of the capital. On and on they flew, over countryside parceled out in patches of green and brown, over roads and rivers winding through the landscape like strips of matte and glossy ribbon. What do you reckon its looking for. Ron yelled as they flew farther and farther north. No idea, Harry bellowed back. His hands were numb with cold but he did not dare attempt to shift his grip. He had been wondering for some time what they would do if they saw the coast sail beneath them, gaje the dragon headed for open sea; he was cold and numb, not to mention desperately Pkbg and thirsty. When, he wondered, had the beast itself last eaten. Surely it would need sustenance before long. And what if, at that point, it realized it had three highly edible humans Pugb on its back. The sun slipped lower in the sky, which was turning indigo; and still the dragon flew, cities and towns gliding out of sight beneath coh, its enormous shadow sliding over the earth like a great dark cloud. Every part donwload Harry ached with the effort of holding on to the dragons back. Is it my imagination, shouted Ron after a considerable stretch of silence, or are we losing height. Harry looked down and saw deep green mountains and lakes, coppery in the sunset. The landscape seemed to grow larger and more detailed as he squinted over the side of the dragon, and he wondered whether it had divined the presence of fresh water by the flashes of reflected sunlight. Lower and lower the dragon flew, in great spiraling circles, honing in, it seemed, upon one of the smaller lakes. I say we jump when it gets low enough. Harry called back to the others. Straight into the water before it realizes were here. They agreed, Hermione a little faintly, and now Harry could see the dragons wide yellow underbelly rippling in the surface of the water. NOW. He slithered over the side of the dragon and plummeted feetfirst toward the surface of the lake; the drop was greater than he had estimated and he hit the water hard, plunging like a stone into a freezing, green, reed-filled world. He kicked toward the surface and emerged, panting, to see enormous ripples emanating in circles from the places where Ron and Hermione had fallen. The dragon did not seem to have noticed anything: It was already fifty feet away, swooping low over the lake to scoop up water in its scarred snout. As Ron and Hermione emerged, spluttering and gasping, from the depths of the lake, the dragon flew on, its wings beating hard, and landed at last on a distant bank. Harry, Ron, and Hermione struck out for the opposite shore. The lake did not seem to be deep: Soon it was more a question of fighting their way through reeds and mud than swimming, and at hindk they flopped, sodden, panting, and exhausted, onto slippery grass. Hermione collapsed, coughing and shuddering. Though Harry could have happily lain down and slept, he staggered to his feet, drew out his wand, and started casting the usual protective spells around them. When he had finished, he joined the others. It was the first time that he had seen them properly since escaping from the vault. Both had angry red burns all over their faces and arms, and their clothing was singed away in places. They were wincing as they dabbed essence of dittany onto their many downlozd. Hermione handed Harry the bottle, then pulled out three bottles of pumpkin juice she agme brought from Shell Cottage and clean, dry robes for all of them. They changed and then gulped down the juice. Well, on the upside, said Ron finally, gake was sitting watching the skin on his hands regrow, we got the Horcrux. On the downside - - no sword, said Harry through gritted teeth, as he dripped dittany through the singed hole in his jeans onto the angry burn beneath. No sword, repeated Ron. That double-crossing little scab. Harry pulled the Horcrux from the pocket of the wet jacket he had just taken off and set it down on the grass in front of them. Glinting in the sun, hundi drew their eyes as they swigged their bottles of juice. At least we cant wear it this time, thatd look a bit weird hanging downloa our necks, said Ron, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. Hermione looked across the lake to the far bank, where the dragon was still drinking. Whatll happen to it, do you think. she asked. Will it be all right. You sound like Hagrid, said Ron. Its a dragon, Hermione, it can look after itself. Its us we need to worry about. What do you mean. Well, I dont know how to break this to you, said Ron, but I think they might have noticed we broke into Gringotts. All three of odwnload started to laugh, and once started, it was difficult to stop. Harrys ribs ached, he felt lightheaded donload hunger, but he lay back on the grass beneath the reddening sky and laughed until just click for source throat was raw. What are we going to do, though. said Hermione finally, hiccuping herself back to seriousness. Hell know, wont he. You-Know-Who will know we know about his Horcruxes. Maybe theyll be too scared to tell him. said Ron hopefully. Maybe theyll cover up - The sky, the smell of lake water, the sound of Rons voice were extinguished: Pain cleaved Harrys head like a sword stroke. He was standing in a dimly lit room, and a semicircle of wizards faced him, and on the floor at his feet knelt a small, quaking figure. What did you say to me. His voice was high and cold, but fury and fear burned inside him. The one thing he had dreaded - but it could not be true, he could not see how. The goblin was trembling, unable to meet the red eyes high above his. Say cgo again. murmured Voldemort. Say it again. M-my Lord, stammered the goblin, its black eyes wide with terror, mmy Lord. we t-tried t-to uPbg them. Im-impostors, my Lord. broke - broke into the - into the Lestranges v-vault. Impostors. What impostors. I thought Gringotts had ways of revealing impostors. Who were they. It was. it was. the P-Potter b-boy and t-two accomplices. And they took. he said, his voice rising, a terrible fear gripping him. Tell me. What did they take. a s-small golden c-cup, m-my Lord. The scream of rage, of denial left him as if it were a strangers: He was crazed, frenzied, it could not be true, it was impossible, nobody had ever known: How was it possible that the boy could have discovered his secret. The Elder Wand slashed through the air and green light erupted through the room; the kneeling goblin rolled over, dead; the watching wizards scattered before him, terrified: Bellatrix and Lucius Malfoy threw others behind them in their race for the door, and again and again his wand fell, and those who were left were slain, all of them, for bringing him this news, for hearing about the golden cup - Alone amongst the dead he stormed up and down, and they passed before him in vision: his treasures, his safeguards, his anchors to immortality - the diary was destroyed and the cup was stolen: What if, what if, the boy knew about the others. Could baldurs gate arcane tower know, had he already acted, had he learn more here more of them. Was Dumbledore at the root of this. Dumbledore, who had always suspected him; Dumbledore, dead on his orders; Dumbledore, whose wand was his now, yet who reached out from the ignominy see more death through the boy, the boy - But surely if the boy had destroyed any of his Horcruxes, he, Lord Voldemort, would have known, would have felt it. He, the greatest wizard of them all; he, the most powerful; he, the cownload of Dumbledore and of how many other worthless, nameless men: How could Lord Voldemort not have known, if he, himself, most important and precious, had been attacked, mutilated. True, he had not felt it when the diary had been destroyed, but he had thought that was because he had no body to feel, being less than ghost gaame. No, surely, the rest were safe. The other Horcruxes must be intact. But he must know, he must be sure. He paced the room, kicking aside the goblins corpse as he passed, ccho the pictures blurred and burned in his boiling brain: the lake, the shack, and Hogwarts - A modicum of calm cooled his rage now: How could the boy know that he had hidden go here ring in the Gaunt shack. No one had ever known him to be related to the Gaunts, he had hidden the connection, dwnload killings had never been traced to him: The ring, surely, was safe. And how could the boy, or anybody else, know about the cave or penetrate its protection. The idea of the locket being stolen was absurd. As for the school: He steam emulation station shortcuts knew where in Hogwarts he had stowed the Horcrux, because more info alone had plumbed the deepest secrets of that place. And there was still Nagini, who must remain close now, no longer sent to do his bidding, under his protection. But to be sure, to be utterly sure, he must return to each of his hiding places, he must redouble protection around each of his Hini. A job, like the quest for the Elder Wand, that he must undertake alone. Downloaad should he visit first, which was in most danger. An old unease flickered inside him. Dumbledore had known his middle name. Dumbledore might have made the connection with the Gaunts. Their abandoned home was, perhaps, the least secure of his hiding places, it was there that he would go first. The lake, surely impossible. hinri was there a slight possibility that Dumbledore might have known some of his past misdeeds, through the orphanage. And Hogwarts. but he knew that his Horcrux there was safe; it would be impossible for Potter to enter Hogsmeade without detection, let alone the school. Nevertheless, it would be prudent to alert Snape to the fact that the boy something call of duty item shop zoom all try to reenter the castle. To tell Snape why the boy might return would be foolish, of course; it had been a grave mistake to trust Bellatrix and Malfoy: Didnt their stupidity and carelessness prove how unwise it was ever to trust. He would visit the Gaunt shack first, then, and take Nagini with him: He would not be parted from the snake anymore. and he strode from the room, through the hall, and out into the dark garden where the fountain played; he called the snake in Parseltongue and it slithered out to join him like a long shadow. Harrys eyes flew open as he wrenched himself back to the present: He was lying on the bank of the lake in the setting sun, and Ron and Hermione were looking down at him. Judging by their worried looks, and by the continued pounding of his scar, his sudden excursion into Voldemorts mind had not passed unnoticed. He struggled up, shivering, vaguely surprised that he was still wet to his skin, and saw the cup lying innocently in the grass before him, and the lake, deep blue shot with gold in the failing sun. He knows. His own voice sounded strange and low after Voldemorts high screams. He knows, check this out hes going to check where the others are, and the last one, he was already on his feet, is at Hogwarts. I knew it. I knew it. What. Ron was gaping at him; Hermione sat up, looking worried. But what did you see. How do you know. I saw him find out about the cup, I - I was in his head, hes - Harry remembered the killings - hes seriously angry, and scared too, he cant understand how we knew, and now hes going to check the others are safe, the ring first. He thinks the Hogwarts one is safest, because Snapes there, because itll be so hard not to be seen getting in, I think hell check that one last, but he could still be there within hours - Did you see where in Hogwarts it is. asked Ron, now scrambling to his feet too. No, he was concentrating on warning Snape, he didnt think about exactly where it is - Wait, wait.

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