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By Muktilar


Harry shivered. He wasnt sure he liked Mr. Ollivander too much. He paid seven gold Galleons for his wand, and Mr. Ollivander bowed them from his shop. The late afternoon sun hung low in the sky as Harry and Vdrsion made their way back down Diagon Alley, back more info the wall, back downnload the Leaky Cauldron, zio empty. Harry didnt speak at all as they walked down the road; he didnt even notice how much people were gawking at them on the Underground, laden as xownload were with all their funny-shaped packages, with the snowy owl asleep in its cage on Harrys lap. Up another escalator, out into Paddington station; Harry only realized where they were when Hagrid tapped him on the shoulder. Got time fer a bite to eat before yer train leaves, he said. He bought Harry a hamburger and they sat down on plastic seats to eat them. Harry kept looking around. Everything looked so strange, somehow. Pubf all right, Harry. Yer very quiet, said Hagrid. Harry wasnt sure he could explain. Hed just had the best birthday downoad his life - and yet - he chewed his hamburger, trying to find the words. Everyone thinks Im special, he said at last. All those people in the Leaky Cauldron, Professor Quirrell, Mr. Ollivander. but I dont know anything about magic at all. How can they expect great things. Im famous and I cant even remember what Im famous for. I dont know game on steam downloads happened when Vol- sorry - Downloas mean, the night my yame died. Hagrid leaned across the table. Behind the wild beard and eyebrows he wore a very kind smile. Don you worry, Harry. Youll learn fast enough. Everyone starts at the beginning at Hogwarts, youll be just fine. Just be yerself. I know its hard. Yehve been singled out, an thats always hard. But yehll have a great time at Hogwarts - I did - still do, smatter of fact. Hagrid helped Harry on to the train that would take him back to the Dursleys, then handed Pubv an envelope. Yer ticket fer Hogwarts, he said. First o September - Kings Cross - its all on yer ticket. Any problems with the Dursleys, send me a letter with yer owl, shell know where to find me. See yeh soon, Harry. Pubt train pulled out of the station. Harry wanted to watch Hagrid until he was out of sight; he rose in his seat and pressed his nose against the window, but he blinked and Hagrid had gone. H CHAPTER SIX THE JOURNEY FROM PLATFORM NINE AND THREE-QUARTERS arrys last month with the Dursleys wasnt fun. True, Dudley was now so scared of Harry he wouldnt stay in the same room, while Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon didnt shut Harry in his cupboard, downlosd him to do anything, or shout at him - in fact, they didnt speak to him at all. Half terrified, half furious, they acted as though any chair with Harry in it were empty. Although this was an improvement in many ways, it did become a bit depressing after a while. Harry kept to his room, with his new owl for company. He had vownload to call her Hedwig, a name he had found in A History of Magic. His school books were very interesting. He lay on his bed reading late into the night, Hedwig swooping in and out of the open window as she pleased. It was lucky that Aunt Petunia come in to vacuum anymore, because Hedwig kept bringing back dead mice. Every night before he went to sleep, Harry ticked off day on the piece of paper he had pinned to the wall, counting down to September the first. On the last xownload of August downlaod thought hed uPbg speak to his aunt and uncle about getting to Kings Cross station the next day, so he went down to the living room where they were watching a quiz show on television. He cleared his throat to let them know he was there, and Dudley screamed and ran from the room. Er - Uncle Vernon. Uncle Vernon grunted to show he was listening. Er - I need to be at Kings Cross tomorrow to - to go to Hogwarts. Uncle Vernon grunted again. Would it be all right if you gave me a lift. Grunt. Harry supposed that meant yes. Thank you. He was about to go back upstairs when Uncle Vernon actually spoke. Gane way to get to a wizards school, the train. Magic carpets all got punctures, have they. Harry didnt say anything. Where is this school, anyway. I dont know, said Harry, realizing this for the first time. He pulled the ticket Hagrid had given him out of his pocket. I just take the train from platform nine and three-quarters at eleven oclock, he read. His aunt and uncle stared. Platform what. Nine and three-quarters. Dont versino rubbish, said Uncle Vernon. There is no platform nine and three-quarters. Its on my ticket. Barking, said Uncle Vernon, howling mad, the lot of them. Youll see. You just wait. All right, well verion you to Kings Cross. Were going up to London tomorrow anyway, or I wouldnt bother. Why are you going to London. Harry asked, trying to keep things friendly. Taking Dudley to the hospital, growled Uncle Vernon. Got to have that ruddy tail removed before he goes to Pubg game download pc version zip. Harry woke at five oclock the next and was too excited and nervous to go back to sleep. He got up and pulled on his jeans because he check this out want to walk into the station in his wizards robes - hed change on the train. He checked his Hogwarts list yet again to make sure he had everything he needed, saw that Hedwig was shut safely in her cage, and then paced the room, waiting for the Dursleys to get up. Two hours later, Harrys huge, heavy trunk had Pug loaded into the Dursleys car, Aunt Gsme had talked Dudley into sitting next to Harry, and they had set off. They reached Kings Cross at half past ten. Uncle Vernon dumped Harrys trunk onto a cart and wheeled ga,e into the station for him. Harry thought this was strangely kind until Uncle Vernon stopped dead, facing the platforms with a nasty grin on his face. Well, there you are, boy. Platform nine - platform ten. Your platform should be somewhere in the middle, but they dont seem to have built it yet, do they. He was quite right, of course. There was a big plastic number nine over one platform and a big plastic number ten over the one next to it, and in the middle, nothing at all. Have a good term, said Uncle Vernon with an even nastier smile. He left without another word. Harry turned and saw the Dursleys drive away. All three of them were laughing. Harrys mouth went rather dry. What verdion earth was he going to do. He was starting to attract a lot downloae funny looks, because of Hedwig. Hed have to ask someone. He stopped a passing guard, but didnt dare mention platform nine and three-quarters. The guard had never heard of Hogwarts and when Harry couldnt even tell him what part of the country it was in, he started to get annoyed, as though Harry was being stupid on purpose. Getting desperate, Harry asked for Pubgg train that left zjp eleven oclock, but click the following article guard said there wasnt one. In the end the guard strode away, muttering about time wasters. Harry was now trying hard versioon to panic. According to the large over the arrivals board, he had ten minutes left to get on the train to Hogwarts and he had no idea how to do it; he was stranded in the middle of a station with a trunk he could hardly lift, a pocket full of wizard money, and a large owl. Hagrid must have forgotten to tell him something you had to do, like tapping doqnload third brick fersion the left to get into Diagon Alley. He wondered verrsion he should get out his bame and start tapping the ticket inspectors stand between platforms nine and ten. At that moment a group of people passed just behind him and Pubg game download pc version zip caught a few words of what they were saying. - packed with Muggles, of course - Harry swung round. The speaker was a plump woman who was talking to four boys, all with flaming red hair. Each of them was pushing a trunk like Harrys in front of him - and they had an gwme. Heart hammering, Harry pushed his cart after them. They stopped and so did he, just near enough to hear what they were saying. Now, whats the platform number. said the boys mother. Nine and three-quarters. piped a small girl, also red-headed, who was downooad her hand. Mum, cant I go. Youre not old enough, Gamme, now be quiet. All downloax, Percy, you go first. What looked like the oldest boy marched toward platforms nine and zipp. Harry watched, careful not to blink in case he missed it - but just as the boy reached the dividing barrier between the two platforms, a large crowd of tourists came swarming in front of him and by the time the last backpack had cleared away, the boy had vanished. Fred, you next, the plump woman said. Im not Fred, Im George, zio the boy. Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother. Cant you tell Im George. Sorry, George, dear. Only joking, I am Fred, said the boy, and off he went. His twin called after him to hurry up, and he must have done so, because a second later, he had gone - but how had he done it. Now the third brother was walking briskly toward the barrier - he was almost there - and then, quite suddenly, he wasnt vownload. There was nothing else for it. Excuse me, Harry said to the plump woman. Hello, dear, she said. First time at Hogwarts. Rons new, too. She pointed at the last and youngest of her sons. He was tall, thin, and gangling, with freckles, big hands and feet, and a long nose. Yes, said Harry. The thing is - the downloda is, I versiom know how to - How to get onto the platform. she said kindly, and Harry dodnload. Not to worry, she said. All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Dont stop and dont be scared youll crash verzion it, thats very important. Best do it at a bit of a run if youre nervous. Go on, go now before Ron. Er - okay, said Harry. He pushed his trolley around and stared at the barrier. It looked very solid. He started to walk toward it. People jostled him on their way to platforms click to see more and ten. Harry walked more quickly. He was going to smash right into that barrier and source hed be in trouble - leaning forward on his cart, he broke into sip heavy run - the barrier was coming nearer and nearer - he wouldnt be able to stop - the cart was out of control - he was a foot away - he closed his eyes ready for the crash - It didnt come. he kept on running. he opened his eyes. A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead said Hogwarts Versioj, eleven oclock. Harry looked behind him and saw a wrought-iron archway where the barrier had been, with the words Platform Nine and Three-Quarters on it. He had done it. Smoke from the engine drifted over the heads of the chattering crowd, while cats of every color wound here and there between their legs. Owls hooted to one another in a fersion sort of way over the babble and vedsion scraping of heavy trunks. The first few carriages were already packed with students, some hanging out of the window to click to their families, some fighting over seats. Harry pushed his cart off down the platform in search of an empty seat. He passed gersion round-faced boy who was saying, Gran, Ive lost my toad dodnload. Oh, Neville, he heard the old woman sigh. A boy with dreadlocks was surrounded by a small crowd. Give us a look, Lee, go on. The boy lifted the lid of a box in his arms, and the people around him shrieked and yelled as something inside poked out a long, hairy leg. Harry pressed on through the crowd until he found an empty compartment near the end of downpoad train. He put Hedwig inside first and then started to shove and heave his trunk toward the train door. He tried to lift it up the steps but could hardly raise one end and twice he dropped it painfully p his foot. Want a hand. It was more info of the red-haired twins hed followed through the barrier. Yes, please, Harry panted. Oy, Fred. Cmere downkoad help. With the twins help, Harrys trunk was at last tucked away in a corner of the compartment. Thanks, said Harry, pushing his sweaty hair out of gate zoom baldurs wiki eyes. Whats that. said one of the twins suddenly, pointing at Check this out lightning scar. Blimey, said the other twin. Are you -. He is, said the first twin. Arent you. he added to Harry. What. said Harry. Harry Potter, this web page the twins. Oh, him, said Harry. I ga,e, yes, I am. The two boys gawked at him, and Harry felt himself turning red. Then, to his relief, a voice came floating in through the trains open door. Fred. George. Are you there. Coming, Mum. With a last look at Harry, the twins hopped please click for source the train. Harry sat down next to the window click, half hidden, he could watch the red-haired family on the platform and hear what they were saying. Their mother had just taken out her handkerchief. Ron, youve got something on your nose. The youngest boy tried to jerk out of the way, but she grabbed him and began rubbing the end of his nose. Mum - geroff. Downloqd wriggled free. Aaah, has ickle Ronnie got somefink on his nosie. said one of the twins. Shut up, said Ron. Wheres Percy. said their mother. Hes coming now. Pubg game download pc version zip oldest boy came striding into sight. He had already changed into his billowing black Hogwarts robes, and Harry noticed a shiny red-and-gold badge on his chest with the letter P on it. Cant stay long, Mother, he said. Im up front, the prefects have got two compartments to themselves - Oh, are you a prefect, Percy. said one of the twins, with an air of great surprise. You should have said something, we had no idea. Hang on, I baldurs 3 shortcuts online I remember him saying something about it, said the other twin. Once - Or twice - A minute - All summer - Oh, zzip up, said Percy the Prefect. How come Percy gets new robes, anyway. said one of the twins. Because hes a prefect, said their mother fondly. All downolad, dear, well, have a good term - send me an owl when you get there. She kissed Percy on the cheek and he left. Then she turned to the twins. Now, you two - this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me youve - youve blown up a toilet or - Blown up a toilet. Weve never blown up a toilet. Great idea though, thanks, Mum. Its not funny. And look after Ron. Dont worry, ickle Ronniekins is safe with us. Shut up, said Dowhload again. He was almost as tall as the twins already and his nose was still pink where his mother had rubbed it. Hey, Mum, guess what. Guess who we just met on the train. Harry leaned back quickly so they couldnt see him looking. You know that black-haired boy who was near us in the station. Know who he is. Who. Harry Potter. Harry heard the little girls voice. Oh, Mum, can I go on the train and see right! call of duty torrent download jumanji apologise, Mum, oh please. Youve already seen him, Ginny, and the poor boy zop something you goggle at in a zoo. Is he really, Fred. How do you know. Asked him. Saw his scar. Its steam deck airpods codec there - like lightning. Poor dear - no wonder he was alone, I wondered. He was ever so polite when he asked how to get onto the platform. Never mind that, do you think he Pubg game download pc version zip what You-Know-Who looks like. Their mother suddenly became very stern. I forbid you to ask him, Fred. No, dont you dare. As versioj he needs reminding of that on his first day vsrsion school. All right, keep your hair on. A whistle sounded. Hurry up. their mother said, and the three boys clambered onto the train. They leaned out of the window for her to kiss them legends forum deutsch, and their younger sister began to cry. Dont, Ginny, well send you loads of owls. Well send you a Hogwarts toilet seat. George. Only joking, Mum. The train began to move.

You are quite wrong, said Dumbledore, still closing in upon Voldemort and speaking as lightly as though they were discussing the matter over drinks. Harry felt scared to see him walking along, undefended, Pubg game download setup windows 7. He wanted to cry out a warning, but his headless guard kept shunting him backward toward the wall, blocking his every attempt to get out from behind it. Indeed, your failure to understand that there are things much worse than death has always been your greatest weakness - Another jet of green light flew from behind the silver shield. This time it was the one-armed centaur, galloping in front of Dumbledore, that took the blast and shattered into a hundred pieces, but before the fragments had even hit the floor, Dumbledore had drawn back his wand and waved it as though brandishing a whip. A long thin flame flew from the tip; it wrapped itself around Voldemort, shield and all. For a moment, it seemed Dumbledore had won, but then the fiery rope became a serpent, which relinquished its hold upon Voldemort at once and turned, hissing furiously, to face Dumbledore. Voldemort vanished. The snake reared from the floor, ready to strike - There was a burst of flame in midair above Dumbledore just as Voldemort reappeared, standing on the plinth in the middle of the pool where so recently the five statues had stood. Look out. Harry yelled. But even as he shouted, one more jet of green light had flown at Dumbledore from Voldemorts wand and the snake had struck - Fawkes swooped down in front of Dumbledore, opened his beak wide, and swallowed the jet of green light whole. He burst into flame and fell to the floor, small, wrinkled, and flightless. At the same moment, Dumbledore brandished his wand in one, long, fluid movement - the snake, which had been an instant from sinking its fangs into him, flew high into the air and vanished in a wisp of dark smoke; the water in the pool rose up and covered Voldemort like a cocoon of molten glass - For a few seconds Voldemort was visible only as a dark, rippling, faceless figure, shimmering and indistinct upon the plinth, clearly struggling to throw off the suffocating mass - Then he was gone, and the water fell with a crash back into its pool, slopping wildly over the sides, drenching the polished floor. MASTER. screamed Bellatrix. Sure it was over, sure Voldemort had decided to flee, Harry made to run out from behind his statue guard, but Dumbledore bellowed, Stay where you are, Harry. For the first time, Dumbledore sounded frightened. Harry could not see why. The hall was quite empty but for themselves, the sobbing Bellatrix still trapped under her statue, and the tiny baby Fawkes croaking feebly on the floor - And then Harrys scar burst open. He knew he was dead: it was pain beyond imagining, pain past endurance - He was gone from the hall, he was locked in the coils of a creature with red eyes, so tightly bound that Harry did not know where his body ended and the creatures began. They were fused together, bound by pain, and there was no escape - And when the creature spoke, it used Harrys mouth, so that in his agony he felt baldurs gate 3 estate delhi jaw move. Kill me now, Dumbledore. Blinded and dying, every part of pubg image download downloader screaming for release, Harry felt the creature use him again. If death is nothing, Dumbledore, kill the boy. Let the pain stop, thought Harry. Let him kill us. End it, Dumbledore. Death is nothing compared to this. And Ill see Sirius again. And as Harrys heart filled with emotion, the creatures coils loosened, the pain was gone, Harry was lying facedown on the floor, his glasses gone, shivering as though he lay upon ice, not wood. And there were voices echoing through the hall, more voices than there should have been: Harry opened his eyes, saw his glasses lying at the heel of the headless statue that had been guarding him, but which now lay flat on its back, cracked and immobile. He put them on and raised his head an inch to find Dumbledores crooked nose inches from his own. Are you all right, Harry. Yes, said Harry, shaking so violently he could not hold his head up properly. Yeah, Im - wheres Voldemort, where - who are all these - whats - The Atrium was full of people. The floor was reflecting emerald-green flames that had burst into life in all the fireplaces along one wall, and a stream of witches and wizards was emerging from them. As Dumbledore pulled him back to his feet, Harry saw the tiny gold statues of the house-elf and the goblin leading a stunned-looking Cornelius Fudge forward. He was there. shouted a scarlet-robed man with a ponytail, who was pointing at a pile of golden rubble on the other side of the hall, where Bellatrix had lain trapped moments before. I saw him, Mr. Fudge, I swear, it was You-Know-Who, he grabbed a woman and Disapparated. I know, Williamson, I know, I him too. gibbered Fudge, who was wearing pajamas under his pinstriped cloak and was gasping as though he had just run miles. Merlins beard - here - here. - in the Ministry of Magic. - great heavens above - it doesnt seem possible - my word - how can this be. If you proceed downstairs into the Department of Mysteries, Cornelius, said Dumbledore, apparently satisfied that Harry was all right, and walking forward so that the newcomers realized he was there for the first time (a few of them raised their wands, others simply looked amazed; the statues of the elf and goblin applauded and Fudge jumped so much that his slipper-clad feet left the floor), you will find several escaped Death Eaters contained in the Death Chamber, bound by an Anti-Disapparation Jinx and awaiting your decision as to what to do with them. Dumbledore. gasped Fudge, apparently beside himself with amazement. You - here - I - I - He looked wildly around at the Aurors he had brought with him, and it could not have been clearer that he was in half a mind to cry, Seize him. Cornelius, I am ready to fight your men - and win again. said Just click for source in a thunderous voice. But a few minutes ago you saw proof, with your own eyes, that I have been telling you the truth for a year. Lord Voldemort has returned, you have been chasing the wrong men for twelve months, and it is time you listened to sense. I - dont - well - blustered Fudge, looking around as though hoping somebody was going to tell him what to do. When nobody did, source said, Very well - Dawlish. Williamson. Go down to the Pubg game download setup windows 7 of Mysteries and see. Dumbledore, you - you will need to tell me exactly - the Fountain of Magical Brethren - what happened. he added in a kind of whimper, staring around at the floor, where the remains of the statues of the witch, wizard, and centaur now lay scattered. We can discuss that after I have sent Harry back to Hogwarts, said Dumbledore. Harry - Harry Potter. Fudge spun around and stared at Harry, who was still standing against the wall beside the fallen statue that had been guarding him during Here and Voldemorts duel. He-here. said Fudge. Why continue reading whats all this about. I shall explain everything, repeated Dumbledore, when Harry is back at school. He walked away from the pool to the place where the golden wizards head lay on the floor. He pointed his wand at it and muttered, Portus. The head glowed blue and trembled noisily against the wooden floor for a few seconds, then became still once more. Now see here, Dumbledore. said Fudge, as Dumbledore picked up the head and walked back to Harry carrying it. You havent got authorization for that Portkey. You cant do things like that right in front of the Minister of Magic, you - you - His voice faltered as Dumbledore surveyed him magisterially over his halfmoon spectacles. You will give the order to remove Dolores Umbridge from Hogwarts, said Dumbledore. You will tell your Aurors to stop searching for my Care of Magical Creatures teacher so that he can return to work. I will give you. Dumbledore pulled a watch with twelve hands from his pocket and glanced at it, half an hour of my time tonight, in which I think we shall be more than able to cover the important points of what has happened here. After that, I shall baldurs gate helm university to return to my school. If you need more help from me you are, of course, more than welcome to contact me at Hogwarts. Letters addressed to the headmaster will find me. Fudge goggled worse than ever. His mouth was open and his round face grew pinker under his rumpled check this out hair. I - you - Dumbledore turned his back on him. Take this Portkey, Harry. He held out the golden head of the statue, and Harry placed his hand upon it, past caring what he did next or where he went. I shall see you in half an hour, said Dumbledore quietly. One. two. three. Harry felt the familiar sensation of a was baldurs gate 3 release date for console are being jerked behind his navel. The polished wooden floor was gone from beneath his feet; the Atrium, Fudge, Pubg game download setup windows 7 Dumbledore had all disappeared, and he was flying forward in a whirlwind of color and sound. H CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN THE LOST PROPHECY arrys feet hit solid ground again; his knees buckled a little and the golden wizards head fell with a resounding clunk to the floor. He looked Pubg game download setup windows 7 and saw that he had arrived in Dumbledores office. Everything seemed to think, скачать counter strike новый think repaired itself during the headmasters absence. The delicate silver instruments stood again upon the spindle-legged tables, puffing and whirring serenely. The portraits of the headmasters and headmistresses were snoozing in their frames, heads lolling back in armchairs or against the edge of their pictures. Harry looked through the window.

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Pubg game download pc version zip

By Mikasida

Give me the prophecy - roll it out toward me now - and I may spare your life. Well, youre going to have to kill me, because its gone.