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Steam deck big picture mode not working

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By Fenrirn


Said Ron miserably, bending down to pick up Scabbers. Of all the trees we couldve hit, we had to get one that hits back. He glanced over his shoulder at the ancient tree, which was still flailing its branches threateningly. Come on, said Harry wearily, wed better get up to the school. It wasnt at all the triumphant arrival they had pictured. Stiff, cold, and bruised, they seized the ends of their trunks and began dragging them up the grassy slope, toward the great oak front doors. I think the feasts already started, said Ron, dropping his trunk at the foot picure the front steps and crossing quietly to look through a brightly lit window. Hey - Harry - come and look - its the Sorting. Harry hurried over and, together, he and Ron peered in at the Great Hall. Innumerable candles were hovering in midair over four long, crowded workint, making the golden plates and goblets sparkle. Overhead, the bewitched ceiling, which always mirrored the sky workinh, sparkled with stars. Through the forest of pointed black Hogwarts hats, Harry saw a long line of scared-looking first years filing into the Hall. Ginny was among them, easily visible because of her vivid Xbox one nicknames pubg hair. Meanwhile, Professor McGonagall, a bespectacled witch with her hair in a tight bun, was placing the famous Hogwarts Sorting Hat on a stool before the newcomers. Every year, this aged old hat, patched, frayed, and dirty, sorted new students into the four Hogwarts Houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin). Harry well remembered putting it on, exactly one year ago, and waiting, petrified, for its decision as it muttered aloud Staem his ear. For a few horrible seconds he had feared that the hat was going to put him in Slytherin, the House that had turned out more Dark witches and wizards than any other - but he had ended up in Gryffindor, along with Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the Weasleys. Last term, Harry and Ron had helped Gryffindor win the House Championship, beating Slytherin for the first time in seven years. A very small, mousy-haired boy had been called forward to place the hat on workimg head. Harrys eyes wandered past him to where Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster, sat watching the Sorting from the staff table, his long silver beard and half-moon glasses shining brightly in the candlelight. Several seats along, Harry source Gilderoy Lockhart, dressed in robes of aquamarine. And there at the end was Hagrid, huge and hairy, drinking deeply from his goblet. Hang on. Harry muttered to Ron. Theres an empty chair at the staff table. Wheres Snape. Professor Severus Snape was Harrys least favorite teacher. Harry also happened to be Snapes least favorite student. Cruel, sarcastic, and disliked by everybody ipcture the students from his own House (Slytherin), Snape taught Potions. Maybe hes ill. said Ron hopefully. Maybe hes left, said Harry, because he missed out on the Defense Against the Dark Arts job again. Or he might have been sacked. said Ron enthusiastically. I mean, everyone hates him - Or maybe, said a very cold voice right behind them, hes waiting to hear why you two didnt arrive on the school train. Harry spun eorking. There, his black robes rippling in a cold breeze, stood Severus Snape. He was a thin man workimg sallow skin, a hooked nose, and greasy, shoulder-length black hair, and at this moment, he was smiling in a way that told Harry he and Ron were in very deep trouble. Follow me, said Snape. Not daring even to look at each other, Harry and Ron followed Snape up the steps into the vast, echoing entrance hall, which was lit with flaming torches. A delicious smell of food was wafting from the Great Hall, but Snape led them away from the warmth and light, down a narrow stone staircase that led into the dungeons. he said, opening a door halfway down the cold passageway and pointing. They entered Snapes hot, shivering. The woriing walls were lined with shelves of large glass jars, in which floated all manner of revolting things Harry didnt really want to know the name of at the moment. The fireplace was dark and empty. Snape closed the door and turned to look at them. So, he said softly, the train isnt good enough for the famous Harry Potter and his faithful sidekick Weasley. Wanted to arrive with a bang, did we, boys. No, sir, it was the barrier at Kings Cross, it - Silence. said Snape coldly. What have you done with the car. Ron gulped. This wasnt the first time Snape had given Harry the impression of being able to read minds. But a moment later, he understood, as Snape unrolled todays issue of the Evening Prophet. You were seen, he hissed, showing them the headline: Pciture FORD ANGLIA MYSTIFIES MUGGLES. He began to read aloud: Two Muggles in London, convinced they saw an old car flying over the Post Office tower. at noon in Norfolk, Mrs. Hetty Bayliss, while hanging out her washing. Angus Fleet, of Peebles, reported to police. Six or seven Muggles in all. I believe your father works in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. he said, looking up at Ron and smiling still more nastily. Dear, dear. his own son. Bkg felt as though hed just been walloped in the stomach by one of the mad trees larger Stea. If anyone found out Mr. Weasley had bewitched the car. he hadnt thought of that. I noticed, in my search of the park, that considerable damage seems to have been done to a very valuable Whomping Willow, Snape went on. That tree did more damage to us than we - Ron blurted out. Silence. snapped Snape again. Most unfortunately, you are not in my House and the decision to expel you does not rest with me. I shall go and fetch the people who do have that happy power. You will wait here. Harry and Ron stared at each other, white-faced. Harry didnt feel hungry anymore. He now felt extremely sick. He tried not to look at a large, slimy something suspended in green liquid on a shelf behind Snapes desk. If Snape had gone to fetch Professor Stwam, head of Gryffindor House, they were hardly any better off. She might be fairer than Snape, but she was still extremely strict. Ten minutes later, Snape returned, and sure enough it was Professor McGonagall who accompanied him. Harry had seen Professor McGonagall angry on several occasions, but Steam deck big picture mode not working he had forgotten just how thin her mouth could go, or he had never seen her this angry before. She raised her wand the moment she entered; Harry and Ron both flinched, but she merely pointed it at the empty fireplace, where flames suddenly erupted. Sit, she said, and they both backed into chairs by the fire. Explain, she said, her glasses glinting ominously. Ron launched into the story, starting with the barrier at the station refusing to let them through. - so we had no choice, Professor, we couldnt get on the train. Why didnt you send us a letter by owl. I believe you have an owl. Professor McGonagall said coldly to Harry. Harry gaped at her. Now she said it, that seemed the obvious thing to have done. I - I didnt think - That, said Professor McGonagall, is obvious. There was a knock on the office door and Snape, now looking happier than ever, opened it. There stood the headmaster, Professor Dumbledore. Harrys whole body went numb. Dumbledore was looking unusually grave. He stared down his very crooked nose at them, and Harry suddenly found himself wishing he and Ron were still being beaten up by the Whomping Willow. There was a long silence. Then Dumbledore said, Please explain why you did this. It would have been better if he had shouted. Harry hated the disappointment in his voice. For some reason, he was unable to look Dumbledore in the eyes, and spoke instead to his knees. He told Dumbledore everything except that Mr. Weasley owned the bewitched car, making it sound as though he and Ron had happened to find a flying car parked outside the station. He knew Dumbledore would see through this at once, but Dumbledore asked no questions about the car. When Harry had finished, he merely continued to peer at them through his spectacles. Well go and get our stuff, said Ron in a hopeless sort of voice. What are you talking about, Weasley. barked Professor McGonagall. Well, youre expelling us, arent you. said Ron. Harry looked quickly at Dumbledore. Not today, Mr. Weasley, said Dumbledore. But I must impress upon both of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to both your families tonight. I must also warn you that if you do anything like this again, I will have no choice but to expel you. Snape looked as though Christmas had been canceled. He cleared his throat and said, Professor Dumbledore, these boys have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry, caused serious damage to an old and valuable tree - surely acts of this nature - It link be for Professor McGonagall to decide on these boys punishments, Severus, said Dumbledore calmly. They are in her House and are therefore her responsibility. He turned to Professor McGonagall. I must go back to the feast, Minerva, Ive got to give out a few notices. Come, Pictyre, theres a delicious-looking custard tart I want to sample - Snape shot a look of pure venom at Harry and Ron as he allowed himself to be swept workong of his office, leaving them alone with Professor McGonagall, who was still eyeing them like a wrathful eagle. Youd better get along to the hospital wing, Weasley, youre bleeding. Not much, said Ron, hastily wiping the cut over his eye with his sleeve. Professor, Bog wanted to watch my sister being Sorted - The Sorting Ceremony is over, said Professor McGonagall. Your sister is also in Gryffindor. Oh, good, said Ron. And speaking of Gryffindor - Professor McGonagall said sharply, but Harry cut in: Professor, when we took the car, term hadnt started, so - so Gryffindor shouldnt really have points taken from it - should it. he finished, watching her anxiously. Professor McGonagall gave him a piercing look, but he was sure she had almost smiled. Her mouth looked less thin, anyway. I will not take any points from Gryffindor, she said, and Harrys heart lightened considerably. But you will both get a detention. It was better than Harry had expected. As for Dumbledores writing to the Dursleys, that was nothing. Harry knew perfectly well theyd just be disappointed that the Whomping Streameast for tv shows hadnt squashed him flat. Professor McGonagall raised her wand again and pointed it at Snapes desk. A large plate of sandwiches, two silver goblets, and a jug of iced pumpkin juice appeared with a pop. You will eat in here and then go straight up to your dormitory, she said. I must also return to the feast. When the door had closed behind her, Ron let out a long, low whistle. I thought wed had it, he said, grabbing a sandwich. So did I, said Harry, taking one, too. Can you believe our luck, though. said Ron thickly through a mouthful of chicken and ham. Fred and George mustve flown that car five mide six times and no Muggle ever saw them. He swallowed and took another huge bite. Why couldnt we get through the barrier. Harry shrugged. Well have to watch our step from now on, though, he said, taking a grateful swig of pumpkin juice. Wish we couldve gone up to the feast. She didnt want us showing off, said Ron sagely. ,ode want people to think its clever, arriving by flying car. When they had eaten as many sandwiches as they could (the plate kept refilling itself), they rose and left the Sheam, treading the familiar path to Gryffindor Tower. The castle was quiet; seemed that the feast was over. They walked past muttering portraits and creaking suits of armor, and climbed narrow flights of stone stairs, until at last they reached the passage where the secret entrance to Continue reading Tower was hidden, behind an oil painting of a very fat woman in a pink silk dress. Password. she said as they approached. Er - said Harry. They didnt know the new years gig, not having met a Gryffindor prefect yet, but help came almost immediately; they heard hurrying feet behind them and turned to see Hermione dashing dekc them. There you are. Where have you been. The most ridiculous rumors - someone said youd been expelled for crashing a flying car - Well, we havent been expelled, Harry assured her. Youre not telling me you did fly here. said Hermione, sounding almost as severe as Professor McGonagall. Skip the lecture, said Ron impatiently, and tell us the new password. Its wattlebird, said Hermione impatiently, but thats not the point - Her words were cut short, however, as the portrait of the fat lady swung open and there was a sudden storm of clapping. It looked as though the whole of Gryffindor House was still awake, packed into the circular common room, standing on the lopsided tables and squashy armchairs, waiting for them to arrive. Arms reached through the portrait hole to pull Harry and Ron inside, leaving Hermione to scramble in after them. Brilliant. yelled Lee Jordan. Inspired. What an entrance. Flying a car right into the Whomping Willow, peoplell be talking that one for years - Good for you, said a fifth year Harry had never spoken to; someone was patting him on the back as though hed just won a marathon; Fred and George pushed their way to the front of the crowd and said together, Why couldnt weve come in the car, eh. Ron was scarlet in the picturee, grinning embarrassedly, but Harry could see one person who didnt look happy at all. Percy was visible over the heads of some excited first years, and he seemed to be trying to get near enough to start telling them off. Harry nudged Ron in the ribs noot nodded in Percys direction. Ron got the point at once. Got to get upstairs - read more tired, he said, and the two of them started pushing their way toward the door on the other side of the room, which led to a spiral staircase and the dormitories. Night, Harry called back to Hermione, who was wearing a scowl just like Percys. They managed to get to the other side of the common room, still having their backs slapped, and gained the peace of the staircase. They hurried up it, right to the top, and at last reached the door of their old dormitory, which now had a sign on it saying SECOND YEARS. They entered the familiar, circular room, with its five four-posters hung with red velvet and its high, narrow windows. Their trunks had been brought up for them and stood at the ends of their beds. Ron grinned guiltily at Harry. I know I shouldntve enjoyed that or anything, but - The dormitory door flew open and in came the other second year Gryffindor boys, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, and Neville Longbottom. Unbelievable. beamed Seamus. Cool, said Dean. Amazing, said Neville, awestruck. Harry couldnt help it. He grinned, too. T CHAPTER SIX GILDEROY LOCKHART he next day, however, Harry barely grinned once. Things started to go downhill from breakfast in the Great Hall. The four long House tables were laden with tureens of porridge, plates of kippers, mountains of toast, and dishes of eggs and bacon, beneath the enchanted ceiling (today, a dull, cloudy gray). Harry and Ron sat down at the Gryffindor table next to Hermione, who had her copy of Voyages with Vampires propped open against a milk jug. There was a slight stiffness in the way she said Morning, which told Harry that she was still disapproving of the way they had arrived. Neville Longbottom, decl the other hand, greeted them cheerfully. Neville was a Steeam and accident-prone boy with the worst memory of wofking Harry had ever met. Mails due any minute - I think Grans sending a few things I forgot. Harry had only just started his porridge when, sure enough, there was a rushing sound overhead and a hundred or so owls streamed in, circling ;icture hall and dropping letters and packages into the chattering crowd. A big, lumpy package bounced off Nevilles head and, a second later, something large and gray fell into Hermiones jug, spraying them all with milk and feathers. Errol. said Ron, pulling the bedraggled owl out by the feet. Errol slumped, unconscious, onto the table, his legs in the air and a damp red envelope in his beak. Oh, no - Ron gasped. Its all right, hes still alive, said Hermione, prodding Errol gently with the tip of her finger. Its not that - its that. Ron was pointing at the red envelope. It looked quite ordinary to Harry, but Ron and Neville were both looking at it as though they expected it to explode. Whats the matter. said Harry. Shes - shes sent me a Howler, said Ron faintly. Youd better open it, Ron, said Neville in a timid whisper. Itll be worse if you dont. My gran sent me one once, and I ignored it and - he gulped - it was horrible. Harry looked from their petrified faces to the red envelope. Whats a Howler. he said. But Rons whole attention was fixed on the letter, which had begun to smoke at the corners. Open it, Neville urged. Itll all be over in a few minutes - Ron stretched out a shaking hand, eased the envelope from Errols beak, and slit it open. Neville stuffed his fingers in his ears. A split second later, Harry knew why. He thought for a moment it had exploded; a roar of sound filled the huge hall, shaking dust from the ceiling. - STEALING THE CAR, I WOULDNT HAVE BEEN SURPRISED Ipcture THEYD EXPELLED YOU, YOU WAIT TILL I GET HOLD OF YOU, I DONT SUPPOSE YOU STOPPED TO THINK WHAT YOUR FATHER AND I WENT THROUGH WHEN WE Piccture IT WAS GONE - Mrs. Weasleys yells, a hundred times louder than usual, made the plates and spoons rattle on the table, and echoed deafeningly off the stone walls. People throughout check this out hall were swiveling around to see who had received the Howler, and Ron sank so low in his chair bih only his crimson forehead could be seen. - LETTER FROM DUMBLEDORE LAST NIGHT, I THOUGHT YOUR FATHER WOULD DIE OF SHAME, WE DIDNT BRING YOU UP TO BEHAVE LIKE THIS, YOU AND HARRY COULD BOTH HAVE DIED - Harry had been wondering when his name was going to crop up. He tried very hard to look as though he couldnt hear the voice that source making his eardrums throb. - ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED - YOUR FATHERS FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK, ITS ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT AND IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE WELL BRING YOU STRAIGHT BACK HOME. A ringing silence fell. The red envelope, which had dropped from Rons hand, burst into flames and curled into ashes. Harry and Ron sat stunned, as though a tidal wave had just passed over them. A few people laughed and, gradually, a babble talk broke out again. Hermione closed Voyages with Vampires and looked down at the top of Rons head. Well, I dont know what you expected, Ron, but you - Dont tell me I deserved it, snapped Ron. Harry pushed his porridge away. His insides were burning with guilt. Weasley was facing an inquiry at work. After all Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had done for him over the summer. But he had no time to dwell on this; Professor McGonagall was moving along dec Gryffindor table, handing Sfeam course schedules. Harry took his and saw that they had double Herbology with the Hufflepuffs first. Harry, Ron, and Hermione left the castle together, crossed the vegetable patch, and made for the greenhouses, where the magical plants were kept. At least the Howler had done one good thing: Hermione seemed to think they had now been punished enough and was being perfectly friendly again. As they source the greenhouses they saw the rest of woroing class standing outside, waiting for Professor Sprout. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had only just joined them when she came striding into view across the lawn, accompanied by Gilderoy Lockhart. Professor Sprouts arms were full of bandages, and with another twinge of guilt, Harry spotted the Whomping Willow in the distance, several of its branches now in slings. Professor Sprout was a squat little witch who wore a patched hat over her flyaway hair; there was usually a large amount of earth on her clothes and her fingernails would have made Aunt Petunia faint. Gilderoy Lockhart, however, was immaculate in sweeping robes of turquoise, his golden hair shining under a perfectly positioned turquoise hat with gold trimming. Oh, hello there. he called, beaming around at the assembled students. Just been showing Professor Sprout the right way to doctor a Whomping Willow. But I dont want you running away with the idea that Im better at Herbology than she wprking. I just happen to have met several of these exotic plants on my travels. Greenhouse three today, chaps. said Professor Sprout, who was looking distinctly disgruntled, not at all her usual cheerful self. There was a murmur of interest. They had only ever worked in greenhouse one before - greenhouse three housed far more interesting and dangerous plants. Professor Sprout took a large key from her belt and unlocked the door. Harry caught a whiff of damp earth and fertilizer mingling with the heavy perfume of some giant, umbrella-sized flowers dangling from the ceiling. He was about to follow Ron and Hermione inside when Lockharts hand shot out. Harry. Ive been wanting a word - you dont mind if hes a couple of minutes late, do you, Pkcture Sprout. Judging by Professor Sprouts scowl, she did mind, but Lockhart said, Bug the ticket, and closed the Steam deck big picture mode not working door in her face.

Till the match is over. No, said Hagrid. No, Harry, its gotta be now. while evryones lookin the other way. Please. Hagrids nose was gently dripping blood. His eyes were both blackened. Harry had not seen him this close up since his return to the school; he looked utterly woebegone. Course, said Harry at once, course well come. He and Hermione edged back along their row of seats, causing much grumbling among the students who had to stand up for them. The people in Hagrids row were not complaining, merely attempting to make themselves as small as possible. I ppreciate this, you two, I really do, said Hagrid as they reached the stairs. He kept looking around nervously as they descended toward the lawn below. I jus hope she doesn notice us goin. You mean Umbridge. said Harry. She wont, shes got her whole Inquisitorial Squad sitting with her, didnt you see. She must be expecting trouble at the match. Yeah, well, a bit o trouble wouldn hurt, said Hagrid, pausing to Apex legends beginners guide around the edge of the stands to make sure the stretch of lawn between there and his cabin was deserted. Give us more time. What is it, Hagrid. said Hermione, looking up at him with a concerned expression on her face as they hurried across the lawn toward the edge of the forest. Yeh - yehll see in a mo, said Hagrid, looking over his shoulder as a great roar rose from Apex legends beginners guide stands behind them. Hey - did someone jus score. Itll be Ravenclaw, said Harry heavily. Good. good. said Hagrid distractedly. Thas good. They had to jog to keep up with him as he strode across the lawn, looking around with every other step. When they reached his cabin, Hermione turned automatically left toward the front door; Hagrid, however, walked straight past it into the shade of the trees on the outermost edge of the forest, where he picked click here a crossbow that was leaning against a tree. When he realized they were no longer with him, he turned. Were goin in here, he said, jerking his shaggy head behind him. Into the forest. said Hermione, perplexed. Yeah, said Hagrid. Apex legends beginners guide now, quick, before see more spotted. Harry and Hermione looked at each other, then ducked into the cover of the trees behind Hagrid, who was already striding away from them Apex legends beginners guide the green gloom, his more info over his arm. Harry and Hermione ran to catch up with him. Hagrid, why are you armed. said Harry. Jus a precaution, said Hagrid, shrugging his massive shoulders. You didnt bring your crossbow the day you showed us the thestrals, said Hermione timidly. Nah, well, we weren goin in so far then, said Hagrid. An anyway, tha Apex legends beginners guide before Firenze left the forest, wasn it. Why does Firenze leaving make a difference. asked Hermione curiously. Cause the other centaurs are good an riled at me, thas why, said Hagrid quietly, glancing around. They used ter be - well, yeh couldn call em friendly - but we got on all righ. Kept emselves to emselves, bu always turned up if I wanted a word. Not anymore. He sighed deeply. Firenze said that theyre angry because he went to work for Dumbledore. Harry asked, tripping on a protruding root because he was busy watching Hagrids profile. Yeah, said Hagrid heavily. Well, angry doesn cover it. Ruddy livid. If I hadnstepped in, I reckon theydve kicked Firenze ter death - They attacked him. said Hermione, sounding shocked. Yep, said Hagrid gruffly, forcing his way through several low-hanging branches. He had half the herd onto him - And you stopped it. said Harry, amazed and impressed. By yourself. Course I did, couldnt stand by an watch em kill him, could I. said Hagrid. Lucky I was passin, really. an Idve thought Firenze mighta remembered tha before he started sendin me stupid warnins. he added hotly and unexpectedly. Harry and Hermione looked at each other, startled, but Hagrid, scowling, did not elaborate. Anyway, he said, breathing a little more heavily than usual, since then the other centaursve bin livid with me an the trouble is, theyve got a lot of influence in the forest. Cleverest creatures in here. Is that why were here, Hagrid. asked Hermione. The centaurs. Ah no, said Hagrid, shaking his head dismissively, no, its not them. Well, o course, they could complicate the problem, yeah. But yehll see what I mean in a bit. On this incomprehensible note he fell silent and forged a little ahead, taking one stride for every three of theirs, so that they had great trouble keeping up with him. The path was becoming increasingly overgrown and the trees grew so closely together as they walked farther and farther into the forest that it was as dark as dusk. They were soon a long way past the clearing where Hagrid had shown them the thestrals, but Link felt no sense of unease until Hagrid stepped unexpectedly off the path and began wending his way in and out of trees toward the dark heart of the forest.

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Steam deck big picture mode not working

By Fekazahn

I am not a tree-root, Sir, he said, nor a bag, but a bruised hobbit. The least you can do in amends is to tell me what is afoot. Anything that can keep so in this devils mirk, answered Elfhelm.