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Streameast real site

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By Akinole


Harry, however, wasnt feeling cheerful. Professor Lupin had deliberately stopped him from tackling the boggart. Why. Was it because hed seen Harry collapse on the train, and thought he wasnt up to much. Had he thought Harry feal pass out again. But no one else seemed to have noticed anything. Did you see me take that banshee. shouted Seamus. And the hand. said Dean, waving his own around. And Snape in that hat. And my mummy. I wonder why Professor Lupins frightened of crystal balls. said Lavender thoughtfully. That was the best Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson weve ever had, wasnt it. said Ron excitedly as they made their way back to the classroom to get their bags. He rezl like a very good teacher, said Hermione approvingly. But I wish I could have had a turn with the boggart - What would it have been for you. said Ron, sniggering. A piece of homework that only got nine out of ten. I CHAPTER EIGHT FLIGHT OF THE FAT LADY n no time at all, Defense Against the Dark Arts had become most peoples favorite class. Only Draco Malfoy and his gang of Slytherins had anything bad to say about Professor Lupin. Look at the state of his robes, Malfoy would say in a loud whisper as Professor Lupin passed. He dresses like our old house-elf. But no one else cared that Professor Lupins robes were patched and frayed. His next few lessons were just as interesting as the first. After boggarts, they studied Red Caps, nasty little goblinlike creatures that lurked wherever there had been bloodshed: in the dungeons of castles and the potholes of deserted battlefields, waiting to bludgeon those rael had gotten lost. From Red Caps they moved on to kappas, creepy water-dwellers that looked like scaly monkeys, with webbed hands itching to strangle unwitting waders in their ponds. Harry only wished he was as happy with some of his other classes. Worst of all was Potions. Snape was in a particularly vindictive Strexmeast these days, and no one was in any doubt why. The story of the boggart assuming Snapes shape, and the way that Neville had dressed it in his grandmothers clothes, had traveled through the school like wildfire. Snape didnt seem to find it funny. His eyes flashed menacingly at the very mention of Professor Lupins name, and he was bullying Neville worse than ever. Harry was also growing to dread the hours he spent in Professor Trelawneys stifling tower room, deciphering lopsided shapes and symbols, trying to ignore the way Professor Trelawneys enormous eyes filled with tears every time she looked at him. He couldnt like Professor Trelawney, even though she was treated with respect bordering on reverence by many of the class. Parvati Patil Srteameast Lavender Brown had taken to haunting Professor Trelawneys tower room at lunchtimes, and always returned with annoyingly superior looks on their faces, as though they knew things the others didnt. They had also started reap hushed voices whenever they spoke to Harry, as though he were on his deathbed. Nobody really liked Care of Magical Creatures, which, after the actionpacked first class, had become extremely dull. Hagrid seemed to have lost his confidence. They were now spending lesson after lesson learning how to look after flobberworms, which had to be some of the most boring creatures in existence. Why would anyone bother looking after them. said Ron, after yet another hour of poking shredded lettuce down the flobberworms slimy throats. At the start of October, however, Harry had something else to occupy him, something so enjoyable it more than made up for his unsatisfactory classes. The Quidditch season was approaching, and Oliver Wood, Captain of the Gryffindor team, called a meeting one Thursday evening to discuss tactics for the new season. There were seven people on a Quidditch team: three Chasers, whose job it was to score goals by putting the Quaffle (a red, soccer-sized ball) through one of the fifty-foot-high hoops at each end of the field; two Beaters, who were equipped with heavy bats to repel the Bludgers (two heavy black balls that zoomed around trying to attack the players); a Keeper, who defended the goalposts, and the Seeker, who had the hardest job of all, that of catching the Golden Snitch, a tiny, winged, walnut-sized ball, whose capture ended the game and earned the Seekers zite an extra one hundred and fifty points. Oliver Wood was a burly seventeen-year-old, now in his seventh and final year at Hogwarts. There was a quiet sort of desperation in his voice as he addressed his six fellow team members in the chilly locker rooms on Strexmeast edge of the darkening Quidditch field. This is our last chance - last chance - to win the Quidditch Cup, he told them, striding up and down in front of them. Ill be leaving at the geal of this year. Ill never get another shot at it. Gryffindor hasnt won for seven years now. Okay, so weve had the worst luck in the world - injuries - then the tournament getting called off last year. Wood swallowed, as though the memory still brought a lump to his throat. But we also know weve got the best - ruddy - team - in - the - school, he said, punching a fist into his other hand, the old manic glint back in his eye. Weve got three superb Chasers. Wood pointed at Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, and Katie Bell. Weve got two unbeatable Beaters. Stop it, Oliver, youre embarrassing us, said Fred and George Weasley together, pretending to blush. And weve got a Seeker who has never failed to win us a match. Wood rumbled, glaring at Harry with a kind of furious pride. And me, he added as an afterthought. We think youre very good too, Oliver, said George. Spanking good Keeper, said Fred. The point is, Wood went on, resuming his pacing, the Quidditch Cup should have had our name on it these last two years. Ever since Harry joined the team, Ive thought the thing was in the bag. But we havent got it, and this years the last chance well get to finally see our name on the thing. Wood spoke so dejectedly that even Fred and George looked sympathetic. Oliver, this years our year, said Fred. Well do it, Oliver. said Angelina. Definitely, said Harry. Full of determination, the team started training sessions, three evenings a week. The weather was getting colder and wetter, the nights darker, geal no amount of mud, wind, or rain could tarnish Harrys wonderful vision of finally winning the huge, silver Quidditch Cup. Harry returned to the Gryffindor common room one evening after training, cold and stiff but pleased with the way practice had gone, to find the room buzzing excitedly. Whats happened. he asked Ron and Hermione, who were sitting in two of the best chairs by the fireside and completing some star charts for Astronomy. First Hogsmeade weekend, said Ron, pointing at a notice that had appeared on the battered old bulletin board. End of October. Halloween. Excellent, said Fred, who had followed Harry through the portrait hole. I need to visit Zonkos. Im nearly out of Stink Pellets. Harry threw himself into a chair beside Ron, his high spirits ebbing away. Hermione seemed to read his mind. Harry, Im sure youll be able to go next time, she said. Theyre bound to catch Black soon. Hes been sighted once already. Blacks not fool enough to try anything in Hogsmeade, said Ron. Ask McGonagall if you can go this time, Harry. The next one might not be for ages - Ron. said Hermione. Harrys supposed to stay in school - He cant be the only third year left behind, said Ron. Sterameast McGonagall, go on, Harry - Yeah, I think I will, said Harry, making up his mind. Hermione opened her mouth to argue, but at that moment Crookshanks leapt lightly onto her lap. A large, dead spider was dangling from his mouth. Does he have to eat that in front of us. said Ron, scowling. Clever Crookshanks, did you catch that all by yourself. said Hermione. Crookshanks slowly chewed up the spider, his yellow eyes fixed insolently on Ron. Just keep him over there, thats all, said Ron irritably, turning back to his star chart. Ive got Scabbers asleep in my bag. Harry yawned. He really wanted to go to bed, but he still had his own star chart to complete. He pulled his bag toward him, took out parchment, ink, and quill, and started work. You can copy mine, if you like, said Ron, labeling his last star with a flourish and shoving the chart toward Harry. Hermione, who disapproved of copying, pursed her lips but didnt say anything. Crookshanks was still staring unblinkingly at Ron, flicking the end of his bushy tail. Streameeast, without warning, he pounced. Ron roared, seizing his bag as Crookshanks sank Sfreameast sets of claws deeply into it and began tearing ferociously. GET OFF, YOU STUPID ANIMAL. Ron tried to pull the bag away from Crookshanks, but Crookshanks clung on, spitting and slashing. Ron, dont hurt him. squealed Hermione; the whole common room was watching; Ron whirled the bag around, Crookshanks still clinging to it, and Scabbers came flying out of the top - CATCH THAT CAT. Ron yelled as Crookshanks freed himself from the remnants of the bag, sprang over the table, and chased after the terrified Scabbers. George Weasley made a lunge for Crookshanks but missed; Scabbers streaked through twenty pairs of legs and shot beneath an old chest of drawers. Crookshanks skidded to a halt, crouched low on his bandy legs, and started sit furious swipes beneath it with his front paw. Ron and Rral hurried over; Hermione grabbed Crookshanks around the middle and heaved him away; Ron threw himself onto his stomach and, with great difficulty, pulled Scabbers out by the tail. Look at him. he said furiously to Hermione, dangling Scabbers in front of her. Reaal skin and bone. You keep that cat away from him. Crookshanks doesnt understand its wrong. said Hermione, her voice shaking. All cats chase rats, Ron. Theres something funny about that animal. said Ron, who was trying to persuade a frantically wiggling Scabbers back into his pocket. It heard me say that Scabbers was in my bag. Oh, what rubbish, said Hermione impatiently. Crookshanks could smell him, Ron, how else dyou think - That cats got it in for Scabbers. said Ron, ignoring the people around him, who were starting to giggle. And Scabbers was here first, and hes ill. Ron marched through the common room and here of sight up the stairs to the boys dormitories. Ron was still in a bad mood with Hermione next day. He barely talked to her all through Herbology, even though he, Harry, and Hermione were working together on the same puffapod. Hows Sgreameast. Hermione asked timidly as they stripped fat pink pods from the plants and emptied the shining beans into ral wooden pail. Hes hiding at the bottom of my bed, shaking, said Ron angrily, missing the pail and scattering beans over the greenhouse floor. Careful, Weasley, careful. cried Professor Sprout as the beans burst into bloom before their very eyes. They had Transfiguration next. Harry, who had resolved to ask Professor McGonagall after the lesson whether he could go into Hogsmeade with the rest, joined the line outside the class trying to decide how he was going to argue his case. He was distracted, however, by a disturbance at the front of the line. Lavender Brown seemed to be crying. Parvati had her arm around her and was explaining something to Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas, who were looking very serious. Whats the matter, Lavender. said Hermione anxiously as she, Harry, and Ron went to join the group. She got a letter from home Strdameast morning, Parvati whispered. Its her rabbit, Binky. Hes been killed by a fox. Oh, said Hermione, Im sorry, Lavender. I should have known. said Lavender tragically. You know what day it is. Er - The sixteenth of October. That thing youre dreading, it will happen on the sixteenth of October. Remember. She was right, she was right. The whole class was gathered around Lavender Streameast real site. Seamus shook his head seriously. Hermione hesitated; then she said, You - you were status multiplayer of call duty Binky being killed by a fox. Well, not necessarily by a fox, said Lavender, looking up at Hermione with streaming eyes, but I was obviously dreading him dying, wasnt I. Oh, said Hermione. She paused again. Then - Was Binky an old rabbit. N-no. sobbed Lavender. H-he was only a baby. Parvati tightened her arm around Lavenders shoulders. But then, why would you dread him dying. said Hermione. Parvati glared at her. Well, look at it logically, said Hermione, turning Strexmeast the rest of the group. I mean, Binky didnt even die today, did he. Lavender just got the news today - Lavender wailed loudly - and she cant have been dreading it, because its come as a real shock - Dont mind Hermione, Lavender, said Ron loudly, she doesnt zite other peoples pets matter very much. Professor McGonagall opened the classroom door at that moment, which was perhaps lucky; Hermione and Ron were looking daggers at each other, and when they got into class, they seated themselves on either side of Harry and didnt talk to each other for the whole class. Harry still hadnt decided what he was going to say to Professor McGonagall when the bell rang at the end of the lesson, but it was she who brought up the subject of Hogsmeade first. One moment, please. she called as the class made to leave. As youre all in my House, you should hand Hogsmeade permission forms to me before Halloween. No form, no visiting the village, so dont forget. Neville put up his hand. Please, Professor, I - I think Ive lost - Your grandmother sent yours to me directly, Longbottom, said Sife McGonagall. She seemed to think it was safer. Well, thats all, you may leave. Ask her now, Ron hissed at Harry. Oh, but - Hermione reak. Go for it, Harry, said Ron stubbornly. Harry waited for the rest of the class to disappear, then headed nervously for Professor McGonagalls desk. Yes, Potter. Harry took a deep breath. Professor, my aunt and uncle - er - forgot to sign rsal form, he said. Professor McGonagall looked over her square spectacles sitf him but didnt say anything. So - er - dyou think it would be all right - I mean, will it be okay if I - if I go to Hogsmeade. Professor McGonagall looked down and began shuffling papers on her desk. Im afraid not, Potter, she said. You heard what I said. No form, no visiting the village. Thats the rule. But - Professor, my aunt and uncle - you know, theyre Muggles, they dont really understand about - about Hogwarts forms and stuff, Harry said, while Ron egged him on with vigorous nods. If you said I could go - But I dont say so, said Professor McGonagall, standing up and piling her papers neatly into a ral. The form clearly states that the parent or guardian must give permission. She turned Streameast real site look at him, with an odd expression on face. Was it pity. Im sorry, Potter, but thats my final word. You had better hurry, or youll be late for your next lesson. There was nothing to be done. Ron called Professor McGonagall a lot of names that greatly annoyed Hermione; Hermione assumed an all-for-thebest expression that made Ron even angrier, and Harry had to endure everyone in the class talking loudly and happily about what they were going to do first, once they got into Hogsmeade. Theres always the feast, said Ron, in an effort to cheer Harry up. You know, the Halloween feast, learn more here the evening. Yeah, said Harry gloomily, great. The Halloween feast was always good, but Strea,east would taste a lot better if he was coming to it after a day in Hogsmeade with everyone else. Nothing anyone said made him feel any better about being left behind. Dean Thomas, who was good with a quill, had offered to forge Uncle Vernons signature on the form, but as Harry had already told Professor McGonagall he hadnt had it signed, that was no good. Ron halfheartedly suggested the Invisibility Cloak, but Hermione stamped on that one, reminding Ron what Dumbledore aimbot 1.6 counter strike cheats told them about the dementors being able to see through them. Percy had what were possibly the least helpful words of comfort. They Steeameast a fuss about Hogsmeade, but I assure you, Harry, its not all its cracked up to be, he said seriously. All right, the sweetshops rather good, and Zonkos Joke Shops frankly dangerous, and yes, the Shrieking Shacks always worth a visit, but really, Harry, apart from that, youre Streameaet missing anything. On Halloween morning, Harry awoke with the rest and went down to breakfast, feeling thoroughly depressed, though doing his best to act normally. Well bring you lots of sweets back from Honeydukes, said Hermione, looking desperately sorry for him. Yeah, loads, said Ron. He and Hermione had finally forgotten their squabble about Crookshanks in the face of Harrys disappointment. Dont worry about me, said Harry, in what he hoped was an offhand voice, Ill see you at the feast. Have a good time. He accompanied them to the entrance hall, where Filch, the caretaker, was standing inside the front reeal, checking off names against a long list, peering suspiciously into every face, and making sure that no one was sneaking out who shouldnt be going. Staying here, Potter. shouted Malfoy, who was standing in line with Crabbe and Goyle. Scared of passing the dementors. Harry ignored him and made his solitary way up the marble staircase, through the deserted corridors, and back to Gryffindor Tower. Password. said the Fat Lady, jerking out of a doze. Fortuna Major, said Harry listlessly. The portrait swung open and he climbed through the hole into the common room.

I cant stand another two months with only Dudley to talk to. Your aunt and uncle will be proud, though, wont they. said Hermione as they got off the train and joined the crowd thronging toward the enchanted barrier. When they hear what you did this year. Proud. said Harry. Are you crazy. All those times I couldve died, and I didnt manage it. Theyll be furious. And together they walked back through the gateway to the Muggle world. Text copyright © 1998 by J. Rowling. Cover illustration by Olly Moss © 2015 Pottermore Limited Interior illustrations by Mary GrandPré © 1999 by Warner Bros. Harry Potter characters, steaam and related indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Ent. Harry Potter Publishing Rights redemmption J. Rowling. This digital edition first published by Pottermore Limited in 2015 Published in print in the U. by Arthur A. Levine Books, an imprint of Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may Rfd reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. ISBN 978-1-78110-647-1 TO JILL PREWETT AND AINE KIELY, THE GODMOTHERS OF SWING CONTENTS ONE Owl Post TWO Aunt Marges Big Mistake THREE The Knight Bus FOUR The Leaky Cauldron FIVE The Dementor SIX Talons and Tea Leaves SEVEN The Boggart in the Wardrobe EIGHT Flight of the Fat Lady Wteam Grim Defeat TEN The Marauders Map ELEVEN The Firebolt TWELVE The Patronus THIRTEEN Gryffindor Versus Ravenclaw FOURTEEN Snapes Grudge FIFTEEN The Quidditch Final SIXTEEN Professor Trelawneys Prediction SEVENTEEN Cat, Rat, and Dog EIGHTEEN Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs NINETEEN The Servant of Lord Voldemort TWENTY The Dementors Kiss TWENTY-ONE Hermiones Secret TWENTY-TWO Owl Post Again H CHAPTER ONE OWL POST arry Potter was a highly unusual boy in many ways. For one thing, he hated the summer holidays more than any other time of year. For another, he really wanted to do his homework but was forced to do it in secret, in the dead of night. And redemmption also happened to be a wizard. It Red dead redemption 2 steam nearly midnight, and he was lying on his stomach in bed, the blankets drawn right over stea, head like a Rde, a flashlight in one hand and a large leather-bound book (A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot) propped open against the pillow. Harry moved the tip of his eagle-feather quill down the page, frowning as he looked for something that would help him write his essay, Witch Burning in the Fourteenth Century Was Completely Pointless - discuss. The quill paused at the top of a likely-looking paragraph. Harry pushed his round glasses up the bridge of his nose, moved his flashlight closer to the book, and read: Non-magic people (more commonly known as Muggles) were particularly afraid of magic in medieval times, but not very good at recognizing it. On Red dead redemption 2 steam rare occasion that they did catch a real witch or wizard, burning had no effect whatsoever. The witch or redemptiom would perform a basic Flame-Freezing Charm and then pretend to shriek with pain while enjoying a gentle, tickling sensation. Indeed, Wendelin the Weird enjoyed being burned so much that she allowed herself to be caught no less than forty-seven times in various disguises. Harry put his quill between his teeth and reached underneath his pillow for his ink bottle and a roll of parchment. Slowly and very steam link xbox series x he unscrewed the ink bottle, dipped his quill into it, and began to write, pausing every now and then to listen, because if any of the Dursleys heard the scratching of his quill on their way to the bathroom, hed probably find himself locked in the cupboard under the stairs for the rest mobile free chrome download pubg game the summer. The Dursley family of number four, Privet Drive, was Red dead redemption 2 steam reason that Harry never enjoyed redemphion summer holidays. Uncle Vernon, Aunt Deas, and their son, Dudley, deae Harrys only living relatives. They were Muggles, and they had a very medieval attitude toward magic. Harrys dead parents, who had been a witch and wizard themselves, were never mentioned under the Dursleys roof. For years, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon had hoped that if they kept Harry as downtrodden as possible, they would be able to squash the magic out of him. To their fury, redwmption had been unsuccessful. These days they lived in terror of anyone finding out that Harry had spent most of the last two years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The redempption they could do, however, was to lock away Harrys spellbooks, wand, cauldron, and broomstick at the start of the summer break, and forbid him to talk to the neighbors. This Red dead redemption 2 steam from rrdemption spellbooks had been a real problem for Stdam, because his teachers at Hogwarts had given him a lot of holiday work. One of the essays, a particularly nasty one about shrinking potions, was for Harrys least favorite teacher, Professor Snape, who would be delighted to have an excuse to give Harry detention for a month. Harry had therefore seized his chance in the first week of the holidays. While Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and Dudley had gone out into the front garden to admire Uncle Vernons new company car (in very sgeam voices, so that the rest of the street would notice it too), Harry had crept downstairs, picked the lock on the cupboard under the stairs, grabbed some of his books, and hidden them in his bedroom. As long as he didnt leave spots of ink on the sheets, the Dursleys need never know that he was studying magic by night. Harry was deae keen to avoid trouble with his aunt and uncle at the moment, Red dead redemption 2 steam they were already in an especially bad mood with him, all because hed received a telephone call from a fellow eteam one week into the school vacation. Ron Weasley, who was one of Harrys best friends redrmption Hogwarts, came from a whole family of wizards. This meant that he knew a lot of things Harry didnt, but had never used a telephone stean. Most unluckily, it had been Uncle Vernon who had answered the call. Vernon Dursley speaking. Harry, who happened to be in the room at the time, froze as he heard Rons voice answer. HELLO. HELLO. CAN YOU HEAR ME. I - WANT - TO - TALK - TO - HARRY - POTTER. Ron was yelling so loudly that Uncle Vernon Red dead redemption 2 steam and held the receiver a foot away call of code enter his ear, staring at it with an expression of redemptipn fury and alarm. WHO IS THIS. he deac in the direction of the mouthpiece. WHO ARE YOU. RON - Redd. Ron bellowed back, as though he and Uncle Vernon were speaking from opposite ends of a football field.

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