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By Kejora


Youre worth twelve of Malfoy, Harry said. The Sorting Hat chose you for Gryffindor, didnt it. And wheres Malfoy. In stinking Slytherin. Nevilles lips twitched in a weak smile as he unwrapped the frog. Thanks, Harry. I think Ill go to bed. Dyou want apex legends not right now card, you collect them, dont you. As Neville walked away, Harry looked at the Famous Wizard card. Dumbledore again, he said, He was the first one I ever - He gasped. He stared at the back of the card. Then he looked up at Ron and Hermione. Ive found him. he whispered. Ive found Flamel. I told you Id read the name somewhere before, I read it on the train coming here - listen to this: Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the Dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragons blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel. Hermione jumped to her feet. She hadnt looked so excited since theyd gotten back the marks for their very first piece of homework. Stay there. she said, consider, call of duty download black ops 3 be she sprinted up the stairs to the girls dormitories. Harry and Ron barely had time to exchange mystified looks before she was dashing back, an enormous old book in her arms. I never thought to look in here. she whispered excitedly. I got this out of the library weeks ago for a bit of light reading. Light. said Ron, but Hermione told him to be quiet until shed looked something up, and started flicking frantically through the pages, muttering to herself. At last she found what she was looking for. I knew it. I knew it. Are we allowed to speak yet. said Ron grumpily. Hermione ignored him. Nicolas Flamel, she whispered dramatically, is the only known maker of the Sorcerers Stone. This didnt have quite the effect shed expected. The what. said Harry and Ron. Oh, honestly, dont you two read. Look - read that, there. She pushed the book toward them, and Harry and Ron read: The ancient study of alchemy is concerned with making the Sorcerers Stone, a legendary substance with astonishing powers. The Stone will transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal. There have been many reports of the Sorcerers Stone over the centuries, but the only Stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicolas Flamel, the noted alchemist and opera lover. Flamel, who celebrated his six hundred and sixty-fifth birthday last year, enjoys a quiet life in Devon with his wife, Perenelle (six hundred and fifty-eight). See. said Hermione, when Harry and Ron had finished. The dog must be guarding Flamels Sorcerers Stone. I bet he asked Dumbledore to keep it safe for him, because theyre friends and he knew someone was after it, thats why he wanted the Stone moved out of Gringotts. A stone that makes gold and stops you from ever dying. said Harry. No wonder Snapes after it. Anyone would want it. And no wonder we couldnt find Flamel in that Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry, said Ron. Hes not exactly recent if hes six hundred and sixty-five, is he. The next morning in Defense Against the Dark Arts, while copying down different ways of treating werewolf bites, Harry and Ron were still discussing what theyd do with a Sorcerers Stone if they had one. It wasnt until Ron said hed buy his own Quidditch team that Harry remembered about Snape and the coming match. Im going to play, he told Ron and Hermione. If I dont, all the Slytherins will think Im just too scared to face Snape. Ill show them. itll really wipe the smiles off their faces if we win. Just as long as were not wiping you off the field, said Hermione. As the match drew nearer, however, Harry became more and more nervous, whatever he told Ron and Hermione. The rest of the team wasnt too calm, either. The idea of overtaking Slytherin in the House Championship was wonderful, no one had done it for seven years, but would they be allowed to, with such a biased referee. Harry didnt know whether he was imagining it or not, but he seemed to keep running into Snape wherever he went. At times, he even wondered whether Snape was following him, trying to catch him on his own. Potions lessons were turning into a sort of weekly torture, Snape was so horrible to Harry. Could Https:// possibly know theyd found out about the Sorcerers Stone. Harry didnt see how he could - yet he sometimes had the horrible feeling that Snape could read minds. Harry knew, when they wished him good luck outside the locker rooms the next afternoon, that Ron and Hermione were wondering whether theyd ever see him alive again. This wasnt what youd call comforting. Harry hardly heard a word of Woods pep talk as he pulled on his Quidditch more info and picked up his Nimbus Two Thousand. Ron and Hermione, meanwhile, had found a place in the stands next to Neville, who couldnt understand why they looked so grim and worried, or why they had both brought their wands to the match. Little did Harry know that Ron and Hermione had been secretly practicing the Leg-Locker Curse. Theyd gotten the idea from Malfoy using it on Neville, and were ready to use it on Snape if he showed any sign of wanting to hurt Harry. Now, dont forget, its Locomotor Mortis, Hermione muttered as Ron slipped his wand up his sleeve. I know, Ron snapped. Dont nag. Back in the locker room, Wood had taken Harry aside. Dont want to pressure you, Potter, but if we ever need an early capture of the Snitch its now. Finish the game before Snape can favor Hufflepuff too much. The whole schools out there. said Fred Weasley, peering out of the door. Even - blimey - Dumbledores come to watch. Harrys heart read more a somersault. Dumbledore. he said, dashing to the door to make sure. Fred was right. There was no mistaking that silver beard. Harry could have laughed out loud with relief. He was safe. There was simply no way that Snape would dare to try to hurt him if Dumbledore was watching. Perhaps that was why Snape was looking so angry as the teams marched onto the field, something that Ron noticed, too. Ive never seen Snape look so mean, he told Hermione. Look - theyre off. Ouch. Someone had poked Ron in the back of the head. It was Malfoy. Oh, sorry, Weasley, didnt see you there. Malfoy grinned broadly at Crabbe and Goyle. Wonder how long Potters going to stay on his broom this time. Anyone want a bet. What about you, Weasley. Ron didnt answer; Snape had just awarded Hufflepuff a penalty because George Weasley had hit a Bludger at him. Hermione, who had all her fingers crossed in her lap, was squinting fixedly at Harry, who was circling the game like a hawk, looking for the Snitch. You know how I think they choose people for the Gryffindor team. said Malfoy loudly a few minutes later, as Snape awarded Hufflepuff another penalty for no reason at all. Its people they feel sorry for. See, theres Potter, whos got no parents, then theres the Weasleys, whove got no money - you should be on the team, Longbottom, youve got no brains. Neville went bright red but turned in his seat to face Malfoy. Im worth twelve of you, Malfoy, he stammered. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle howled with laughter, Pubg game download unblocked images Ron, still not daring to take his eyes from the game, said, You tell him, Neville. Longbottom, if brains were gold youd be poorer than Weasley, and thats saying something. Rons nerves were already stretched to the breaking point with anxiety about Harry. Im warning you, Malfoy - one more word - Ron. said Hermione suddenly, Harry -. What. Where. Harry had suddenly gone into a spectacular dive, which drew gasps and cheers from the crowd. Hermione stood up, her crossed fingers in her mouth, as Harry streaked toward the ground like a bullet. Youre in luck, Weasley, Potters obviously spotted some money on the ground. said Malfoy. Ron snapped. Before Malfoy knew what was happening, Ron was on top of him, wrestling him to the ground. Neville hesitated, then clambered over the back of his seat to help. Come on, Harry. Hermione screamed, leaping onto her seat to watch as Harry sped straight at Snape - she didnt even notice Malfoy and Ron rolling around under her seat, or the scuffles and yelps coming from the whirl of fists that was Neville, Crabbe, and Goyle. Up in the air, Snape turned on his broomstick just in time to see something scarlet shoot past him, missing him by inches - the next second, Harry had pulled out of the dive, his arm raised in triumph, the Snitch clasped in his hand. The stands erupted; it had to be a record, no one could ever remember the Snitch being caught so quickly. Ron. Ron. Where are you. The games over. Harrys won. Weve won. Gryffindor is in the lead. shrieked Hermione, dancing up and down on her seat and hugging Parvati Patil in the Pubg game download unblocked images in front. Harry jumped off his broom, a foot from the ground. He couldnt believe it. Hed done it lineage 2 revolution the game was over; it had barely lasted five minutes. As Gryffindors came spilling onto the field, he saw Snape land nearby, white- faced and tight-lipped - then Harry felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up into Dumbledores smiling face. Well done, said Dumbledore quietly, so that only Harry could hear. Nice to see you havent been brooding about that mirror. been keeping busy. excellent. Snape spat bitterly on the ground. Harry left the locker room alone some time later, to take his Nimbus Two Thousand back to the broomshed. He couldnt ever remember feeling happier. Hed really done something to be proud of now - no one could say he was just a famous name any more. The evening air had never smelled so sweet. He walked over the damp grass, reliving the last hour in his head, which was a happy blur: Gryffindors running to lift him onto their shoulders; Ron and Hermione in the distance, jumping up and down, Ron cheering through a heavy nosebleed. Harry had reached the shed. He leaned against the wooden door and looked up at Hogwarts, with its windows glowing red in the setting sun. Gryffindor in the lead. Hed done it, hed shown Snape. And speaking of Snape. A hooded figure came swiftly down the front steps of the castle.

Hes got to compete. Theyve all got to compete. Binding magical contract, like Dumbledore said. Convenient, eh. Moody had just entered the room. He limped toward the fire, Steam engine regulator with every right step he took, there was a loud clunk. Convenient. said Karkaroff. Im afraid I dont understand you, Moody. Harry could tell he was trying to sound disdainful, as though what Moody was saying was barely worth his notice, but his hands gave him away; they had balled themselves into fists. Dont you. said Moody quietly. Its very simple, Karkaroff. Someone put Potters name in that goblet knowing hed have to compete if it came out. Evidently, someone oo wished to give Ogwarts two bites at ze apple. said Madame Maxime. I quite agree, Madame Maxime, said Karkaroff, bowing to her. I shall be lodging complaints with the Click at this page of Magic and the International Confederation of Wizards - If anyones got reason to complain, its Potter, growled Moody, but. funny thing. I dont hear him saying a word. Why should e complain. burst out Fleur Delacour, stamping her foot. E as ze chance to englne, asnt e. We ave all been oping to be chosen for weeks and weeks. Ze honor for our schools. A thousand Galleons in prize money - zis is a chance many would die for. Maybe someones hoping Potter is going to die for it, said Moody, with the merest trace of a growl. An enggine tense silence followed these words. Ludo Bagman, who was looking very anxious indeed, bounced nervously up and down on his feet and said, Moody, old man. what a thing to say. We all know Professor Moody considers the morning wasted if he hasnt discovered six plots to murder him before lunchtime, Steam engine regulator Karkaroff loudly. Apparently he is now teaching his students to fear assassination too. An odd quality in a Defense Against the Dark Engihe teacher, Dumbledore, but no doubt you had your reasons. Imagining things, am I. growled Moody. Seeing things, eh. It was a skilled witch or wizard who put the boys Steam engine regulator in that goblet. Ah, what evidence is Steam engine regulator of zat. said Madame Maxime, throwing up her huge hands. Because they hoodwinked a very powerful magical object. said Moody. It would have needed an exceptionally strong Confundus Charm to bamboozle that goblet into forgetting that only three schools compete in the tournament. Im guessing they submitted Potters name under a fourth school, to make sure he was the only one in his category. You seem to have given this a great deal of thought, Moody, said Karkaroff coldly, and a very ingenious theory enbine is - though of course, I heard you Steam engine regulator got it into your head that one of your birthday presents contained a cunningly disguised basilisk egg, and smashed it to pieces before realizing it was a carriage clock. So youll understand if we dont take you entirely seriously. There are those wholl turn innocent occasions to their advantage, Moody retorted in a menacing voice. Its my job to think the way Dark gate full game jolt do, Karkaroff - as you ought to remember. Alastor. said Dumbledore warningly. Harry wondered for a moment whom he was speaking to, but then realized Mad-Eye could hardly be Moodys real Steam engine regulator name. Moody fell silent, though still surveying Karkaroff regulatpr satisfaction - Karkaroffs face was burning. How this enginw arose, we do not know, said Dumbledore, speaking to everyone gathered in the room. It seems to me, however, that we have no choice but to accept it. Both Cedric and Harry have been chosen to compete in reggulator tournament. This, therefore, they will do. Ah, but Dumbly-dorr - My dear Madame Maxime, if you have an alternative, I would be delighted to hear it. Dumbledore waited, but Madame Maxime did not speak, enggine merely glared. She wasnt the only one either. Snape looked furious; Karkaroff livid; Bagman, however, looked rather excited. Well, shall we crack on, then. he said, rubbing his hands together and smiling around the room. Got to give our champions their instructions, havent we. Barty, want to do the honors. Crouch seemed to come out of a deep reverie. Yes, he said, instructions. Yes. the first task. He moved forward into the firelight. Close up, Harry thought he looked ill. There were dark shadows beneath his eyes and a thin, papery look about his wrinkled skin that had not been there at the Quidditch World Cup. The first task is designed to test your this web page, he told Harry, Cedric, Fleur, and Viktor, so we are not going to be telling you what it is. Courage in the face of the unknown is an important quality in a wizard. very important. The first task will take place on November the twenty-fourth, in front of the other students and Stean panel of judges. The champions are not permitted to ask for or accept help of any kind from their teachers to complete the tasks in the tournament. The champions will face the first challenge armed only with their wands. They will receive information about the second task when the first is over. Owing to the demanding and time-consuming nature of the tournament, the champions are exempted from end-of-year tests. Crouch turned to look at Dumbledore. I think thats all, is it, Albus. I think so, said Dumbledore, who was looking at Mr. Crouch with mild concern. Are you sure you wouldnt like to stay at Hogwarts tonight, Barty. No, Dumbledore, I must get back to the Ministry, said Mr. Crouch. It is a very busy, very difficult time at the moment.

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