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By Vozuru


Instead he told Ron and Hermione under his voice about having to take Occlumency lessons with Snape. Dumbledore wants to stop you having those about Voldemort, said Hermione at once. Well, you wont be sorry not to have them anymore, will you. Extra lessons with Snape. said Ron, sounding aghast. Id rather have the nightmares. They were to return to Hogwarts on the Knight Bus the following day, escorted once again by Tonks and Lupin, both of whom were eating breakfast in the kitchen when Harry, Ron, and Hermione arrived there next morning. The adults seemed to have been midway through a whispered conversation when the door opened; all of them looked around hastily and fell silent. After a hurried breakfast they pulled on jackets and scarves against the chilly gray January morning. Harry had an unpleasant constricted sensation in his chest; he did not want to say good-bye to Sirius. He had a bad feeling about this parting; he did not know when they would next see each other and felt that it was incumbent upon him to say something to Sirius to stop him doing anything stupid - Harry was worried that Snapes accusation of cowardice had stung Sirius so badly he might even now be planning some foolhardy trip beyond Grimmauld Place. Before he could think of what to say, however, Sirius had beckoned him to his side. I want you to take this, he said quietly, thrusting a badly wrapped package roughly the size of a paperback book into Harrys hands. What is it. Harry asked. A way of letting me know if Snapes giving you a hard time. No, dont open it in here. said Sirius, with a wary look at Mrs. Weasley, who was trying to persuade the twins to wear hand-knitted mittens. I doubt Molly would approve - but I want you to use it if you need me, all right. Okay, said Harry, stowing the package away in the inside pocket of his jacket, but he knew he would never use whatever it was. It would not be he, Harry, who lured Sirius from his place of safety, no matter how foully Snape treated him in their forthcoming Occlumency classes. Lets go, then, said Sirius, clapping Harry on the shoulder and smiling grimly, and before Harry could say anything else, they were heading upstairs, stopping before the heavily chained and bolted front door, surrounded by Weasleys. Good-bye, Harry, take care, said Mrs. Weasley, hugging him. See you Harry, and keep an eye out for snakes for me. said Mr. Weasley genially, shaking his hand. Right - yeah, said Harry distractedly. It was his last chance to tell Sirius to be careful; he turned, looked into his Pubg game download bluestacks pc face and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could do so Sirius was giving him a brief, onearmed hug. He said gruffly, Look after yourself, Harry, and next moment Harry found himself being shunted out into the icy winter air, with Tonks (today heavily disguised as a tall, tweedy woman with iron-gray hair) chivvying him down the steps. The door of number twelve slammed shut behind them. They followed Lupin down the front steps. As he reached the pavement, Harry looked around. Number twelve was shrinking rapidly as those on either side of it stretched sideways, squeezing it out of sight; one blink later, it had gone. Come on, the quicker we get on the bus the better, said Tonks, and Harry thought there was nervousness in the glance visit web page threw around the square. Lupin flung out his right arm. BANG. A violently purple, triple-decker bus had appeared out of thin air in front of them, narrowly avoiding the nearest lamppost, which jumped backward out of its way. A thin, pimply, jug-eared youth in a purple uniform leapt down onto the pavement and said, Welcome to the - Yes, yes, we know, thank you, said Tonks swiftly. On, on, get on - And she shoved Harry forward toward the steps, past the conductor, who goggled at Harry as he passed. Ere - its Arry -. If you shout his name I will curse you into oblivion, muttered Tonks menacingly, now shunting Ginny and Hermione forward. Ive always wanted to go on this thing, said Ron happily, joining Harry on board and looking around. It had been evening the last time Harry had traveled by Knight Bus and its three decks had been full of brass bedsteads. Now, in the early morning, it was crammed with an assortment of mismatched chairs grouped haphazardly around windows. Some of these appeared to have fallen over when the bus stopped abruptly in Grimmauld Place; a few witches and wizards were still getting to their feet, grumbling, and somebodys shopping bag had slid the length read more the bus; an unpleasant mixture of frog spawn, cockroaches, and custard creams was scattered all over the floor. Looks like well have to split up, said Tonks briskly, looking around for empty chairs. Fred, George, and Ginny, if you just take those seats at the back. Remus can stay with you. She, Harry, Ron, and Hermione proceeded up to the very top deck, where there were two chairs at the very front of the bus and two at the back. Stan Shunpike, the conductor, followed Harry and Ron eagerly to the back. Heads turned as Harry passed and when he sat down, he saw all the faces flick back to the front again. As Harry and Ron handed Stan eleven Sickles each, the bus set off again, swaying ominously. It rumbled around Grimmauld Square, weaving on and off the pavement, then, with another tremendous BANG, they were all flung backward; Rons chair toppled right over and Pigwidgeon, who had been on his lap, burst out of his cage and flew twittering wildly up to the front of the bus where he fluttered down upon Hermiones shoulder instead. Harry, who had narrowly avoided falling by seizing a candle bracket, looked out of the window: they were now speeding down what appeared to be a motorway. Just outside Birmingham, said Stan happily, answering Harrys unasked question as Ron struggled up from the floor. You keepin well, then, Arry. I seen your name in the paper loads over the summer, but it werent never nuffink very nice. I said to Ern, I said, e didnt seem like a nutter when we met im, just goes to show, dunnit. He handed over their tickets and continued to gaze, enthralled, at Harry; apparently Stan did not care how nutty somebody was if they were famous enough to be in the paper. The Knight Bus swayed alarmingly, overtaking a line of cars on the inside. Looking Pubg game download bluestacks pc the front of the bus Harry saw Hermione cover her eyes with her hands, Pigwidgeon still swaying happily on her shoulder. BANG. Chairs slid backward again as the Knight Bus jumped from the Birmingham motorway to a quiet country lane full of hairpin bends. Hedgerows on either side of the road were leaping out of their way as they click at this page the verges. From here they moved to a main street in the middle of a busy town, then to a viaduct surrounded by tall hills, then to a windswept road between high-rise flats, each time with a loud BANG. Ive changed my mind, muttered Ron, picking himself up from the floor for the sixth time, I never want to ride on here again. Listen, its Ogwarts stop after this, said Stan brightly, swaying toward them. That bossy woman up front oo got on with you, shes given us a little tip to move you up the queue. Were just gonna let Madam Marsh just click for source first, though click There was more retching from downstairs, followed by a horrible spattering sound. Shes not feeling er best. A few minutes later the Knight Bus screeched to a halt outside a small pub, which squeezed itself out of the way to avoid a collision. They could hear Stan ushering the unfortunate Madam Marsh out of the bus and the relieved murmurings of her fellow passengers on the second deck. The bus moved on again, gathering speed, until - BANG. They were rolling through a snowy Hogsmeade. Harry caught a glimpse of the Hogs Head down its side street, the severed boars head sign creaking in the wintry wind. Flecks of snow hit the large window at the front of the bus. At last they rolled to a halt outside the gates to Hogwarts. Lupin and Tonks helped them off bus with their luggage and then got off to say good-bye. Harry glanced up at the three decks of the Knight Bus and saw all the passengers staring down at them, noses flat against the windows. Youll be safe once youre in the grounds, said Tonks, casting a careful eye around at the deserted road. Have a good term, okay. Look after yourselves, said Lupin, shaking hands all round and reaching Harry last. And listen. He lowered his voice while the rest of them exchanged last-minute good-byes with Tonks, Harry, I know you dont like Snape, but he is a steam powered giraffe the jon Occlumens and we all - Sirius included - want you to learn to protect yourself, so work hard, all right. Yeah, all right, said Harry heavily, looking up into Lupins prematurely lined face. See you, then. The six of them struggled up the slippery drive toward the castle dragging their trunks. Hermione was already talking about a few elf hats before bedtime. Harry glanced back when they reached the oak front doors; the Knight Bus had already gone, and he half-wished, given what was coming the following day, that he was still on board. Harry spent most of the next day dreading the evening. His morning Potions lesson did nothing to dispel his trepidation, as Snape was as unpleasant as ever, and Harrys mood was further lowered by the fact that members of the D. were continually approaching him in the corridors between classes, asking hopefully whether there would be a meeting that night. Ill let you know when the next one is, Harry said over and over again, but I cant do it tonight, Ive got to go to - er - Remedial Potions. You take Remedial Potions. asked Zacharias Smith superciliously, having cornered Harry in the entrance hall after lunch. Good Lord, you must be terrible, Snape doesnt usually give extra lessons, does he. As Smith strode away in an annoyingly buoyant fashion, Ron glared after him. Shall I jinx him. I can still get him from here, he said, raising his wand and taking aim between Smiths shoulder blades. Forget it, said Harry dismally. Its what everyones going to think, isnt it. That Im really stup - Hi, Harry, said a voice behind him.

What do you mean. asked Frodo. I mean: when we do get there, it is not certain what we shall find. It is close to the Road. But surely we were hoping to find Gandalf there. Yes; but the hope is faint. If he comes this way at all, he may not pass through Bree, and so he may not know what we are doing. And anyway, unless by luck we arrive almost together, we shall miss one another; it will not be safe for him or for us to wait there long. If the Riders fail to find us in the wilderness, they are likely to make for Weathertop themselves. It commands a wide view all round. Indeed, there are many birds and beasts in this country that could see us, as we stand here, from that hill-top. Not see more the birds are to be trusted, and there are other spies more evil than they are. 184 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS The hobbits looked anxiously at the distant hills. Sam looked up into the pale sky, fearing to see hawks or eagles hovering over them with bright unfriendly eyes. You do make me feel uncomfortable and lonesome, Strider. he said. What do you advise us to do. asked Frodo. I think, answered Strider slowly, as if he was not quite sure, I think the best thing is to go as straight eastward from here as we can, to make for the line of hills, not for Weathertop. There we can strike a path I know that runs at their feet; it will bring us to Weathertop from the north and less openly. Then we shall see what we shall see. All that day they plodded along, until the cold and early evening came down. The land became drier and more barren; but mists and vapours lay behind them on the marshes. A few melancholy birds were piping and wailing, until the round red sun sank slowly into the western shadows; then an empty silence fell. The hobbits thought of the soft light of sunset glancing through the cheerful windows of Bag End far away. At the days end they came to a stream that wandered down click to see more the hills to lose itself in the stagnant marshland, and they went up along its banks while the light lasted. It was already night when at last they halted and made their camp under some stunted alder-trees by the shores of the stream. Ahead there loomed now against the dusky sky the bleak and treeless backs of Pubg mobile download pc by tencent hills. That night they set a watch, and Strider, it seemed, did not sleep at all. The moon was waxing, and in the early night-hours gate weapons youtube cold grey light lay on the land. Next morning they set out again soon after sunrise. There was a frost in the air, and the sky was a pale clear blue. The hobbits felt refreshed, as if they had had a night of unbroken sleep. Already they were getting used to much walking on short commons shorter at any rate than what in the Shire they would have thought barely enough to keep them on their legs. Pippin declared that Frodo was looking twice the hobbit that he had been. Very odd, said Frodo, tightening his belt, considering that there is actually a good deal less of me. I hope the thinning process will not go on indefinitely, or I shall become a wraith. Do not speak of such things. said Strider quickly, and with surprising earnestness. The hills drew nearer. They made an undulating ridge, often rising almost to a thousand feet, and here and there falling again to low clefts or passes leading into the eastern land beyond. Along the crest of the ridge the hobbits could see what Pubg mobile download pc by tencent to be the remains of green-grown walls and dikes, and in the clefts there still stood the A KN IFE IN TH E DAR K 185 ruins of old works of stone. By night they had reached the feet of the westward slopes, and there they camped. It was the night of the fifth of October, here they were six days out from Bree. In the morning they found, for the first time since they had left the Chetwood, a track plain to see. They turned right and followed it southwards. It ran cunningly, taking a line Pubg mobile download pc by tencent chosen so as to keep as much hidden as possible from the view, both of the hill-tops above and of the flats to the west. It dived into dells, and hugged steep banks; and where it passed over flatter and more open ground on either side of it there were lines of large boulders and hewn stones that screened the travellers almost like a hedge. I wonder who made this path, and what for, said Merry, as they walked along one of these avenues, where the stones were unusually large and closely set. I am not sure that I like it: it hasawell, rather a barrow-wightish look. Is there any barrow on Weathertop. There is no barrow on Weathertop, nor on any of these hills, answered Strider. The Men of the West did not live here; though in their latter days they defended the hills for a while against the evil that came out of Angmar. This path was made to serve the forts along the walls. But long before, in the first days of the North Kingdom, they built a great watch-tower on Weathertop, Amon Suˆl they called it. It was burned and broken, and nothing remains of it now but a tumbled ring, like a rough crown on the old hills head. Yet once it was tall and fair. It is told that Elendil stood there watching for the coming of Gilgalad Pubg mobile download pc by tencent of the West, in the days of the Last Alliance. The hobbits gazed at Strider. It seemed that he was learned in old lore, as well as in the ways of the wild. Who was Gil-galad. asked Merry; but Strider check this out not answer, and seemed to be lost in thought. Suddenly a low voice murmured: Gil-galad was an Elven-king. Of him the harpers sadly sing: the last whose realm was fair and free between the Mountains and the Sea. His sword was long, his lance was keen, his shining helm afar was seen; the countless stars of heavens field were mirrored in his silver shield. But long ago he rode away, and where he dwelleth none can say; for into darkness fell his star in Mordor where the shadows are. 186 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS The others turned in amazement, for the voice was Sams. Dont stop. said Merry. Thats all I know, stammered Sam, blushing. I learned it from Mr. Bilbo when I was a lad.

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