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Baldurs gate 3 underdark map of europe

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Except that the words werent what he heard; a strange hissing had escaped him, and at once the tap glowed with a brilliant white light and began to spin. Next second, the sink began to move; the sink, in fact, sank, right out of sight, leaving a large pipe exposed, a pipe wide enough for a man to slide into. Harry heard Ron gasp and looked up again. He had made up his mind what he was going to do. Im going down there, he said. He couldnt not go, not now they had found the entrance to the Chamber, not if there was even the faintest, slimmest, wildest chance that Ginny gta v steam discount code be alive. Me too, said Ron. There was a pause. Well, you hardly seem to need me, said Lockhart, with a shadow of his old smile. Ill just - He put his hand on the door knob, but Ron and Harry both pointed their wands at him. You can go first, Ron snarled. White-faced and wandless, Lockhart approached the opening. Boys, he said, his voice feeble. Boys, what good will it do. Harry jabbed him in the back with his wand. Lockhart slid his legs into the pipe. I really dont think - he started to say, but Ron gave him a push, and he slid out of sight. Harry followed quickly. He lowered himself slowly into the pipe, then let go. It was like rushing down an endless, slimy, dark slide. He could see more pipes branching off in all directions, but none as large as theirs, which twisted and turned, sloping steeply downward, and he knew that he was falling deeper below the school than even the dungeons. Behind him he could hear Ron, thudding slightly at the curves. And then, just as he had begun to worry about what would happen when he hit the ground, the pipe leveled out, and he shot out of the end with a wet thud, landing on the damp floor of a dark stone tunnel large enough to stand in. Lockhart was getting to his feet a little ways away, covered in slime and white as a ghost. Harry stood aside as Ron came whizzing out of the pipe, too. We must be miles under the school, said Harry, his voice echoing in the black tunnel. Under the lake, probably, said Ron, squinting around at the dark, slimy walls. All three of them turned to stare into the darkness ahead. Lumos. Harry muttered to his wand and it lit again. Cmon, he said to Ron and Lockhart, and off they went, their footsteps slapping loudly on the wet floor. The tunnel was so dark that they could only see a little distance ahead. Their shadows on the wet walls looked monstrous in the wandlight. Remember, Harry said quietly as they walked cautiously forward, any sign of movement, close your eyes right away. But the tunnel was quiet as the grave, and the first unexpected sound they was a loud crunch as Ron stepped on what turned out to be a rats skull. Harry lowered his wand to look at the floor and saw that it was littered with small animal bones. Trying very hard not to imagine what Ginny might look like if they found her, Harry visit web page the way forward, around a dark bend in the tunnel. Harry - theres something up there - said Ron hoarsely, grabbing Harrys shoulder. They froze, watching. Harry could just see the outline of something huge and curved, lying right across the tunnel. It wasnt moving. Maybe its asleep, he breathed, glancing back at the other two. Lockharts hands were pressed over his eyes. Harry turned back to look at the thing, his heart beating so fast it hurt. Very slowly, his eyes as narrow as he could make them and still see, Harry edged forward, his wand held high. The light slid over a gigantic snake skin, of a vivid, poisonous green, lying curled and empty across the tunnel floor. The creature that had shed it must have been twenty feet long at least. Blimey, said Ron weakly. There was a sudden movement behind them. Gilderoy Lockharts knees had given way. Get up, said Ron sharply, pointing his wand at Lockhart. Lockhart got to his feet - then he dived at Ron, knocking him to the ground. Harry jumped forward, but too late - Lockhart was straightening up, panting, Rons wand in his hand and a gleaming smile back on his face. The adventure ends here, boys. he said. I shall take a bit of this skin back up to the school, tell them I was too late to save the girl, and that you two tragically lost your minds at Baldurs gate 3 underdark map of europe sight of her mangled body - say goodbye to your memories. He raised Rons Spellotaped wand high over his head and yelled, Obliviate. The wand exploded with the force of a small bomb. Harry flung his arms over his head and ran, slipping over the coils of snake skin, out of the way of great chunks of tunnel ceiling that were thundering to the floor. Next moment, he was standing alone, gazing at a solid wall of broken rock. Ron. he shouted. Are you okay. Ron. Im here. came Rons muffled voice from behind the rockfall. Im okay - this gits not, though - he got blasted by the wand - There was a dull thud and a loud ow. It sounded as though Ron had just kicked Lockhart in the shins. What Rons voice said, sounding desperate. We cant get through - itll take ages. Harry looked up at the tunnel ceiling. Huge cracks had appeared in it. He article source never tried to break apart anything as large as these rocks by magic, and now didnt seem a good moment to try - what if the whole tunnel caved in. There was another thud and another ow. from behind the rocks. They were wasting time. Ginny had already been in the Chamber of Secrets for hours. Harry knew there was only one thing to do. Wait there, he called to Ron. Wait with Lockhart. Ill go on. If Im not back in an hour. There was a very pregnant pause. Ill try and shift some of this rock, said Ron, who seemed to be trying to keep his voice steady. So you can - can get back through. And, Harry - See you in a bit, said Harry, trying to inject some confidence into his shaking voice. And he set off alone past the giant snake skin. Soon read article distant noise of Ron straining to shift the rocks was gone. The tunnel turned and turned again. Every nerve in Harrys body was tingling unpleasantly. He wanted the tunnel to end, yet dreaded what hed find when it did. And then, at last, apologise, call of duty ghosts free download something he crept around yet another bend, he saw a solid wall ahead on which two entwined serpents were carved, their eyes set with great, glinting emeralds. Harry approached, his throat very dry. There was no need to pretend these stone snakes were real; their eyes looked strangely alive. He could guess what he had to do. He cleared his throat, and the emerald eyes seemed to flicker. Open, said Harry, in a low, faint hiss. The serpents parted as the wall cracked open, the halves slid smoothly out of sight, and Harry, shaking from head to foot, walked inside. H CHAPTER SEVENTEEN THE HEIR OF SLYTHERIN e was standing at the end of a very long, dimly lit chamber. Towering stone pillars entwined with more carved serpents rose to support a ceiling lost in darkness, casting long, black shadows through the odd, greenish gloom that filled the place. His heart beating very fast, Harry stood listening to the chill silence. Could the basilisk be lurking in a shadowy corner, behind a pillar. And where was Ginny. He pulled out his wand and moved forward between the serpentine columns. Baldurs gate 3 underdark map of europe careful footstep echoed loudly off videos counter-strike 1.6 shadowy walls. He kept his narrowed, ready to clamp them shut at the smallest sign of movement. The hollow eye sockets of the stone snakes seemed to be following him. More than once, with a jolt of the stomach, he thought he saw one stir. Then, as he drew level with the last pair of pillars, a statue high as the Chamber itself loomed into view, standing against the back wall. Harry had to crane his neck to look up into the giant face above: It was ancient and monkeyish, with a long, thin beard that fell almost to the bottom of the wizards sweeping stone robes, where two enormous gray feet stood on the smooth Chamber floor. And between the feet, facedown, lay a small, black-robed figure with flaming-red hair. Ginny. Harry muttered, sprinting to her and dropping to his knees. Ginny - dont be dead - please dont be dead - He flung his wand aside, grabbed Ginnys shoulders, and turned her over. Her face was white as marble, and as cold, legends ash kill leaderboard her eyes were closed, so she wasnt Petrified. But then she must be - Ginny, please wake up, Harry muttered desperately, shaking her. Https:// head lolled hopelessly from side to side. She wont wake, said a soft voice. Harry jumped and spun around on his knees. A tall, black-haired boy was leaning against the nearest pillar, watching. He was strangely blurred around the edges, as though Harry were looking at him through a misted window. But there was no mistaking him - Tom - Tom Riddle. Riddle nodded, not taking his eyes off Harrys face. What dyou mean, she wont wake. Harry said desperately. Shes not - shes not -. Shes still alive, said Riddle. But only just. Harry stared at him. Tom Riddle had been at Hogwarts fifty years ago, yet here he stood, a weird, misty light shining about him, not a day older than sixteen. Are you a ghost. Harry said uncertainly. A memory, said Riddle quietly. Preserved in diary for fifty years. He pointed toward the floor near the statues giant toes. Lying open there the little black diary Harry had found in Moaning Myrtles bathroom. For a second, Harry wondered how it had got there - but there were more pressing matters to deal with. Youve got to help me, Tom, Harry said, raising Ginnys head again. Weve got to get her out of here. Theres a basilisk. I dont know where it is, but it could be along any moment. Please, help me - Riddle didnt move. Harry, sweating, managed to hoist Ginny half off the floor, and bent to pick up his wand again. But his wand had gone. Did you see -. He looked up. Riddle was still watching him - twirling Harrys wand between his long fingers. Thanks, said Harry, stretching out his hand for it. A smile curled the corners of Riddles mouth. He continued to stare at Harry, twirling the wand idly. Listen, said Harry urgently, his knees sagging with Wallpaper bangalore apex legends dead weight. Weve got to go. If the basilisk comes - It wont come until it is called, said Click here calmly. Harry lowered Ginny back onto the floor, unable to hold her up any longer. What dyou mean. he said. Look, give me my wand, I might need it - Riddles smile broadened. You wont be needing it, he said. Harry stared at him. What dyou mean, I wont be -. Ive waited a long time for this, Harry Potter, said Riddle. For the chance to see you. To speak to you. Look, said Harry, losing patience, I dont think you get it. Were in the Chamber of Secrets. We can talk later - Were going to talk now, said Riddle, still smiling broadly, and he pocketed Harrys wand. Harry stared at him. There was something very funny going on here. How did Ginny get like this. he asked slowly. Well, thats an interesting question, said Riddle pleasantly. And quite a long story. I suppose the real reason Ginny Weasleys like this is because she opened her heart and spilled all her secrets to an invisible stranger. What are you talking about. said Harry. The diary, said Riddle. My diary. Little Ginnys been writing in it for months and months, telling me all her pitiful worries and woes - how her brothers tease her, how she had to come to school with secondhand robes and books, how - Riddles eyes glinted - how she didnt think famous, good, great Harry Potter ever like her. All the time he spoke, Riddles eyes never left Harrys face. There was an almost hungry look in them. Its very boring, having to listen to the silly little troubles of an elevenyear-old girl, he went on. But I was patient. I wrote back. I was sympathetic, I was kind. Ginny simply loved me. No ones ever understood me like you, Tom. Im so glad Ive got this diary to confide in. Its like having a friend I can carry around in my pocket. Riddle laughed, a high, cold laugh that didnt suit him. It made the hairs stand up on the back of Harrys neck. If I say it myself, Harry, Ive always been able to charm the people I needed. So Ginny poured out her soul to me, and her soul happened to be exactly what I wanted. I grew stronger and stronger on a diet of her deepest fears, her darkest secrets. I grew powerful, far more powerful than little Miss Weasley. Powerful enough to start feeding Miss Weasley a few of my secrets, to start pouring a little of my soul back into her. What dyou mean. said Harry, whose mouth had gone very dry. Havent you guessed yet, Harry Potter. said Riddle softly. Ginny Weasley opened the Chamber of Secrets. She strangled the school roosters and daubed threatening messages on the walls. She set the serpent of Slytherin on four Mudbloods, and the Squibs cat. No, Harry whispered. Yes, said Riddle calmly. Of course, she didnt know what she was doing at first. It was very amusing. I wish you could have seen her new diary entries. far more interesting, they became. Dear Tom, he recited, watching Harrys horrified face, I think Im losing my memory. There are rooster feathers all over my robes and I dont know how they got Dear Tom, I cant remember what I did on the night of Halloween, but a cat was attacked and Ive got paint all down my front. Dear Tom, Percy keeps telling me Im pale and Im not myself. I think he suspects me. There was another attack today and I dont know where I was. Tom, what am I going to do. I think Im going mad. I think Im the one attacking everyone, Tom. Harrys fists were clenched, the nails digging deep into his palms. It took a very long time for stupid little Ginny to stop trusting her diary, said Riddle. But she finally became suspicious and tried to dispose of it. And thats where you came in, Harry. You found it, and I couldnt have been more delighted. Of all the people who could have picked it up, it was you, the very person I was most anxious to meet. And why did you want to meet me. said Harry. Anger was coursing through him, and it was an effort to keep his voice steady. Well, you see, Ginny told me all about you, Harry, said Riddle. Your whole fascinating history. His eyes roved over the lightning scar on Harrys forehead, and their expression grew hungrier. I knew I must find out more about you, talk to you, meet you if I could. So I decided to show you my famous capture of that great oaf, Hagrid, to gain your trust - Hagrids my friend, said Harry, his voice now shaking. And you framed him, didnt you. I thought you made a mistake, but - Riddle laughed his high laugh again. It was my word against Hagrids, Harry. Well, you can imagine how it looked to old Armando Dippet. On the one hand, Tom Riddle, poor but brilliant, parentless but so brave, school prefect, model student. on the other hand, big, blundering Hagrid, in trouble every other week, trying to raise werewolf cubs under his bed, sneaking off to the Forbidden Forest to wrestle trolls. but I admit, even I was surprised how well the plan worked. I thought someone must realize that Hagrid couldnt possibly be the Heir of Slytherin. It had taken me five whole years to find out everything I could about the Chamber of Secrets and discover the secret entrance. as though Hagrid had the brains, or the power. Only the Transfiguration teacher, Dumbledore, seemed to think Hagrid was innocent. He persuaded Dippet to keep Hagrid and train him as gamekeeper. Yes, I think Dumbledore might have guessed. Dumbledore never seemed to like me as much as the other teachers did. I bet Dumbledore saw right through you, said Harry, his teeth gritted. Well, he certainly kept an annoyingly close watch on me after Hagrid was expelled, said Riddle carelessly.

Those two. she burst out savagely, now pulling pots and pans out of a cupboard, and Harry knew she meant Fred and George. I dont know whats going to happen to them, V really dont. No ambition, unless you count making as much trouble as they possibly can. Mrs. Weasley slammed a large copper saucepan down on the kitchen table and began to wave her wand around inside it. A creamy sauce poured from the wand-tip as she stirred. Its not as though they havent got brains, she continued fallout never ending laser musket, taking the saucepan over to the stove and lighting it with a further poke of her wand, but theyre wasting them, and unless they pull themselves together soon, theyll be Pkbg real trouble. Ive had more owls from Hogwarts about them than the rest put together. If they carry on the way theyre going, theyll end up in front of Pubbg Improper Use of Magic Office. Mrs. Weasley jabbed her wand at the cutlery drawer, which shot open. Harry and Ron both jumped out of the way as several knives soared out of it, flew across the kitchen, and began chopping the potatoes, which had just been tipped back into the sink by the dustpan. I dont know where we went wrong with them, said Mrs. Weasley, putting down her wand and starting to pull out still more saucepans. Its been the same for years, one thing after another, and they wont listen to - OH NOT AGAIN. She had picked up her wand from Pibg table, and it had emitted a loud squeak and turned into a giant rubber mouse. One of their fake wands Pubg vs fortnite en. she shouted. How many times have I told them not to leave them lying around. She grabbed her real wand and turned around to find that the sauce on the stove was smoking. Cmon, Ron said hurriedly to Harry, seizing a handful of cutlery from the open drawer, lets go and help Bill and Charlie. They left Mrs. Weasley and headed out the back door into the yard. They had only gone a few paces when Hermiones bandy-legged ginger cat, Crookshanks, came pelting out of the garden, bottlebrush tail held high in the air, chasing what looked like a muddy potato on legs. Harry recognized Pubbg Pubg vs fortnite en as a gnome. Pubg vs fortnite en ten inches high, its horny little Puhg pattered very fast as it sprinted across the yard and dived headlong into one of the Wellington boots that lay scattered around the door. Harry could hear the gnome giggling madly as Crookshanks inserted a paw into the boot, trying to reach it. Meanwhile, a very loud crashing noise was coming from the other side of the house. The source of the commotion was revealed as they entered the garden, and saw that Bill and Charlie both had their wands out, and were making two battered old tables fly high above the lawn, smashing into each other, each attempting to knock the others out of the air. Fred and George were cheering, Ginny was laughing, and Hermione was hovering near the hedge, apparently torn between amusement and anxiety. Rn table caught Charlies with a huge bang and knocked one of its legs off. There was a Pubg vs fortnite en from overhead, and they all looked up to see Percys head poking out of a window on the second floor. Will you keep it down. he bellowed. Sorry, Perce, said Bill, grinning. Howre the cauldron bottoms coming on. Very badly, said Percy peevishly, and he slammed the window shut. Chuckling, Bill and Charlie directed the tables safely onto the grass, end to end, and then, with a flick of his wand, Bill reattached the table leg and conjured tablecloths from nowhere. By seven oclock, the two tables were groaning under dishes and dishes of Mrs. Weasleys excellent cooking, and the nine Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione were settling themselves down to eat beneath a clear, Pubg vs fortnite en sky. To somebody who had been living on meals of increasingly stale cake all summer, this was paradise, and at first, Harry listened rather than talked as he helped himself to chicken and ham pie, boiled potatoes, and salad. At the far end of the table, Percy was telling his father all about his report on cauldron bottoms. Ive told Mr. Crouch that Ill have it ready by Tuesday, Percy was saying pompously. Thats a bit sooner than he expected it, but I ffortnite to keep on top of things. I think hell be grateful Ive done it in good time, I mean, its extremely busy in our department just now, what with all the arrangements for the World Cup.

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