

Octane apex dialogue

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By Zuluzilkree

Octane apex dialogue

This, thought Harry, was surely the only way to travel - past swirls and turrets of snowy cloud, in a car full of hot, bright sunlight, with a fat pack of toffees in the glove compartment, and the prospect of seeing Freds and Georges jealous faces when they landed smoothly and spectacularly on the sweeping lawn in front of Hogwarts castle. They made regular checks on the train as they flew farther and farther north, each dip beneath the clouds showing them a different view. London was soon far behind them, replaced by neat green fields that gave way in turn to wide, purplish moors, a great city alive with cars like multicolored ants, villages with tiny toy churches. Several uneventful hours later, however, Harry had to admit that some of the fun was wearing off. The toffees had made them extremely thirsty and they had nothing to drink. He and Ron had pulled off their sweaters, but Harrys T-shirt was sticking to the back of his seat and his glasses kept sliding down to the end of his sweaty nose. He had stopped noticing the fantastic cloud shapes now and was thinking longingly of the train miles below, where you could buy ice-cold pumpkin juice from a trolley pushed by a plump witch. Why hadnt they been able to get onto platform nine and threequarters. Cant be much further, can it. croaked Ron, hours later still, as the sun started to sink into their floor of cloud, staining it a deep pink. Ready for another check on the train. It was still right below them, winding its way past a snowcapped mountain. It was much darker beneath the canopy of clouds. Ron put his foot on the accelerator and drove them upward again, but as he did so, the engine began to whine. Harry and Ron exchanged nervous glances. Its probably just tired, said Ron. Its never been this far before. And they both pretended not to notice the whining growing louder and louder as the sky became steadily darker. Stars were blossoming in the blackness. Harry pulled his sweater back on, trying to ignore the way the windshield wipers were now waving feebly, as though in protest. Not far, said Ron, more to the car than to Harry, not far now, and he patted the dashboard nervously. When they flew back beneath the clouds a little while later, they had to squint through the darkness for a landmark they knew. There. Harry shouted, making Ron and Hedwig jump. Straight ahead. Silhouetted on the dark horizon, high on the cliff over the lake, stood the many turrets and towers of Hogwarts castle. But the car had begun to shudder and was losing speed. Come on, Ron said cajolingly, giving the steering wheel a little shake, nearly there, come on - The engine groaned. Narrow jets of steam were issuing from under the hood. Harry found himself gripping the edges of his seat very hard as they flew toward the lake. The car gave a nasty wobble. Glancing out of his window, Harry saw the smooth, black, glassy surface of the water, a mile below. Rons knuckles were white on the steering wheel. The car wobbled again. Come on, Ron muttered. They were over the lake - the castle was right ahead - Ron put his foot down. There was a loud clunk, a splutter, and the engine died completely. Uh-oh, said Ron, into the silence. The nose of the car dropped. They were falling, gathering this web page, heading straight for the solid castle wall. Noooooo. Ron yelled, swinging the steering wheel around; they missed the dark stone wall by inches as the car turned in a great arc, soaring over the dark greenhouses, then the vegetable patch, and then out over the black lawns, losing altitude all the time. Ron let go of the steering wheel completely and pulled his wand out of his back pocket - STOP. STOP. he yelled, whacking the dashboard and the windshield, but they were still plummeting, the ground flying up toward them - WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE. Harry bellowed, lunging for the steering wheel, but too late - CRUNCH. With an earsplitting bang of metal on wood, they hit the thick tree trunk and dropped to the ground with a heavy jolt. Steam was billowing from under the crumpled hood; Hedwig was shrieking in terror; a golf-ball-sized lump was throbbing on Harrys head where he had hit the windshield; and to his right, Ron let out a low, despairing groan. Are you okay. Harry said urgently. My wand, said Ron, in a shaky voice. Look at my wand - It had snapped, almost in two; the tip was dangling limply, held on by a few splinters. Harry opened his mouth to say he was sure theyd be able to mend it up at the school, but he never even got started. At that very moment, something hit his side of the car with the force of a charging bull, sending him lurching sideways into Ron, just as an equally heavy blow hit the roof. Octane apex dialogue happen -. Ron gasped, staring through the windshield, and Link looked around just in time to see a branch as thick as a python smash into it. The tree they had hit was attacking them. Its trunk was bent almost double, and its gnarled boughs were pummeling every inch of the car it could reach. Aaargh. said Ron as another twisted limb punched a large dent into his door; the windshield was now trembling under a hail of blows from knucklelike twigs and a branch as thick as a battering ram was pounding furiously on the roof, which seemed to be caving - Run for it. Ron shouted, throwing his full weight against his door, but next second he had been knocked backward into Harrys lap by a vicious uppercut from another branch. Were done for. he moaned as the ceiling sagged, but suddenly the floor of the car was vibrating - the engine had restarted. Reverse. Harry yelled, and the car shot backward; the tree was still trying to hit them; they could hear its roots creaking as it almost ripped itself up, lashing out at them as they sped out of reach. That, panted Ron, was close. Well done, car - The car, however, had reached the end of its tether. With two sharp clunks, the doors flew open and Harry felt his seat tip sideways: Next thing he knew he was sprawled on the damp ground. Loud thuds told him that the car was ejecting their luggage from the trunk; Hedwigs cage flew through the air learn more here burst open; she rose out of it with an angry screech and sped off toward the castle without a backward look. Then, dented, scratched, and steaming, the car rumbled off into the darkness, its rear lights blazing angrily. Come back. Ron yelled after it, brandishing his broken wand. Dadll kill me. But the car disappeared from view with one last snort from its exhaust. Can you believe our luck. said Ron miserably, bending down to pick up Scabbers. Of all the trees we couldve hit, we had to get one that hits back. He glanced over his shoulder at the ancient tree, which was still flailing its branches threateningly. Come on, said Harry wearily, wed better get up to the school. It wasnt at all the triumphant arrival they had pictured. Stiff, cold, and bruised, they seized the ends of their trunks and began dragging them up the grassy slope, toward the great oak front doors. I think the feasts already started, said Ron, dropping his trunk at the foot of the front steps and crossing quietly to look through a brightly lit window. Hey - Harry - come and look - its the Sorting. Harry hurried over and, together, he and Ron peered in at the Great Hall. Innumerable candles were hovering in midair over four long, crowded tables, making the golden plates and goblets sparkle. Overhead, the bewitched ceiling, which always mirrored the sky outside, sparkled with stars. Through the forest of pointed black Hogwarts hats, Harry saw a long line of scared-looking first years filing into the Hall. Ginny was among them, easily visible because of her vivid Weasley hair. Meanwhile, Professor McGonagall, a bespectacled witch with her hair in a tight bun, was placing the famous Hogwarts Sorting Hat Octane apex dialogue a stool before the newcomers. Every year, this aged old hat, patched, frayed, and dirty, sorted new students into the four Hogwarts Houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin). Harry well remembered putting it on, exactly one year ago, and waiting, petrified, for its decision as it muttered aloud in his ear. For a few horrible seconds he had feared that the hat was going to put him in Slytherin, the House that had turned out more Dark witches and wizards than any other - but he had ended up in Gryffindor, along with Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the Weasleys. Last term, Harry and Ron had helped Gryffindor win the House Championship, beating Slytherin for the first time click here seven years. A very Octane apex dialogue, mousy-haired boy had been called forward to place the hat on his head. Harrys eyes wandered past him to where Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster, sat watching the Sorting from the staff table, his long silver beard and half-moon glasses shining brightly in the candlelight. Several seats along, Harry saw Gilderoy Lockhart, dressed in robes of aquamarine. And there at the end was Hagrid, huge and hairy, drinking deeply from his goblet. Hang on. Harry muttered to Ron. Theres an empty chair at the staff table. Wheres Snape. Professor Severus Snape was Harrys least favorite teacher. Harry click the following article happened to be Snapes least favorite student. Cruel, sarcastic, and disliked by everybody except the students from his own House (Slytherin), Snape taught Potions. Octane apex dialogue hes ill. said Ron hopefully.

When you are ready, you will know. And Harry knew it would be no good to leends. But why couldnt Quirrell touch me. Your mother died to save you. If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is love. He didnt realize that love as powerful as your mothers for you leaves its own mark. Not a scar, no visible sign. to have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever. It is in your very skin. Quirrell, full of hatred, greed, and ambition, sharing his soul with Voldemort, could not touch you for this reason. It was agony to touch a person marked by something so good. Dumbledore now became very interested in a bird out on the windowsill, which gave Harry time to dry more info eyes on the sheet. When he had found his voice again, Harry said, And the Invisibility Cloak Apfx do you know who sent it to me. Ah - your father happened to leave it in my possession, and I thought you might like it. Dumbledores eyes twinkled. Useful things. your father used it mainly for sneaking off to the kitchens to steal food when he was here. And theres something else. Fire away. Quirrell said Snape - Professor Snape, Harry. Yes, him Apex legends game over Quirrell said he hates me because he hated my father. Is that true. Well, they did rather detest each other. Not unlike yourself and Mr. Malfoy. And then, your father did something Snape could never forgive. What. He saved his life. What. Yes. said Dumbledore dreamily. Funny, the way peoples minds work, isnt it. Professor Snape couldnt bear being in your fathers debt. I do believe he worked so hard to protect you this year because he felt that would make him and your father even. Then he could go back to hating your fathers memory in peace. Harry tried to understand this but it made his head pound, so he stopped. And sir, theres one more thing. Just the one. How did I get the Stone out of the mirror. Ah, now, Im glad you asked me that. It was one of my more brilliant ideas, and between you and lehends, thats saying something. You see, only one who wanted to find the Ka video plus pubg game - find it, Apex legends game over not use it - would be able to get it, otherwise theyd just see themselves making gold or drinking Elixir of Life. My brain surprises even me sometimes. Now, enough Apex legends game over. I suggest you make a start on these sweets. Bertie Botts Every Flavor Apex legends game over. I was unfortunate enough in my youth to come across a vomitflavored one, and since legendss Im afraid Ive rather lost my liking for them - but I think Ill be safe with a nice toffee, dont you. He smiled and popped the golden-brown bean into his mouth. Then he choked and said, Alas. Ear wax. Madam Pomfrey, the nurse, was a nice woman, but very strict. Just legedns minutes, Harry pleaded. Absolutely not. You gamee Professor Dumbledore in. Well, of course, that was the headmaster, quite different. You need rest. I am resting, look, lying down and everything. Oh, go on, Madam Pomfrey. Oh, very well, she said. But five minutes only. And she let Ron and Hermione in. Harry. Hermione looked ready to fling her arms around him again, but Harry was glad she held herself in as his head was still very sore. Oh, Harry, we were sure you were going to - Dumbledore was so worried - The whole schools talking about it, said Ron. What really happened. It was one of those rare occasions when the apeks xtx200 tungsten story is even more strange and exciting than the wild rumors. Harry told them everything: Quirrell; the mirror; the Stone; and Voldemort. Ron and Hermione were a very good audience; they gasped in all the right places, click when Harry told them what was under Quirrells turban, Hermione screamed out loud. So the Stones gone. legrnds Ron finally.

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Octane apex dialogue

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