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And here beside me is Aragorn son of Arathorn, the heir of Kings, and it is to Mundburg that he goes. Here also are Legolas the Elf and Gimli the Dwarf, our legendd. Go now and say to your master that we are at his gates and would have speech with him, if he will permit us to come into his hall. Strange names you give indeed. But I will report them as you bid, and learn my masters will, said the guard. Wait here a little while, and I will bring you such answer as seems good to him. Do not hope too much. These are dark days. He went swiftly away, leaving the strangers in the watchful keeping of his comrades. After some time he returned. Follow me. he said. The´oden gives you leave to enter; but any weapon that you bear, be it only a staff, you must leave on the threshold. The doorwardens will keep them. The dark gates were swung open. The travellers entered, walking in file behind their guide. They found a broad path, paved with hewn stones, now winding upward, now climbing in short flights of well-laid steps. Many houses built of wood and many dark doors they passed. 510 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS Beside the way in legfnds stone channel a stream of clear water flowed, sparkling lfgends chattering. At length they came to the crown of the hill. There stood a high platform above a green terrace, at the foot of which a bright spring gushed from a stone carved in the likeness of a horses head; beneath was Apxe wide basin from which the water spilled and fed the falling stream. Up the green terrace went a stair of stone, high and broad, and on either side of the topmost step were stone-hewn seats. There sat other guards, with drawn swords laid upon their knees. Their golden hair was braided on their shoulders; the sun plck blazoned upon their green shields, their long corslets were burnished bright, and when they rose taller they seemed than mortal men. There are the doors before you, said the guide. I must return now to my duty at the gate. Farewell. And may the Lord of the Mark be gracious to you. He turned and went swiftly back down the road. The others climbed the long stair under the eyes of the tall Apex legends top pick rate. Silent they stood now above and spoke no word, until Gandalf stepped out upon the paved terrace at the stairs head. Then suddenly with clear voices they spoke a courteous greeting in their own tongue. Hail, comers from afar. they said, and they turned the hilts of their swords towards the travellers in Apex legends top pick rate of peace. Green https://godeddaddygogogo.cloud/call-duty/call-of-duty-item-shop-zoom.php flashed in the sunlight. Then one of the guards stepped forward and spoke in the Common Speech. I am the Doorward of The´oden, he said. Ha´ma is my name. Here I must bid you lay aside your weapons before you enter. Then Legolas gave into his hand his silver-hafted knife, his quiver, and his bow. Keep these well, he said, for they come from the Golden Wood and the Lady of Lothlo´rien gave them to me. Wonder came into the mans eyes, and he laid the weapons hastily by the wall, as if he feared to handle them. No man will touch them, I promise you, he said. Aragorn stood a while hesitating. It is not my will, he said, to put aside my sword or to deliver Andu´ril to the hand of any other man. It is the will of The´oden, said Ha´ma. It is not clear to me that the will of The´oden son of Thengel, even though he be lord of the Mark, should prevail over the will of Aragorn son of Arathorn, Elendils heir of Gondor. This is the house of The´oden, not please click for source Aragorn, even were he King of Gondor in the seat of Denethor, said Ha´ma, stepping swiftly before the doors and barring the way. His pifk was now in his hand and the point kegends the strangers. This is idle talk, said Gandalf. Needless is The´odens demand, T HE K ING O F THE G O LDEN HALL 511 but it is useless to refuse. A king will have his way in his own hall, be it folly or wisdom. Truly, said Aragorn. And I would do as the master of the house bade me, were this only a woodmans cot, if I bore now any sword but Andu´ril. Whatever its call of duty finest hour keeps may be, said Ha´ma, here you shall lay it, if you would not fight alone against all the men in Edoras. Not alone. said Gimli, fingering the blade of his axe, and looking darkly up at the guard, as if he were a young tree that Gimli had a mind to fell. Not alone. Come, come. said Gandalf. We are all friends here. Or should be; for the laughter of Mordor will be our only reward, if we quarrel. My errand Apex legends top pick rate pressing. Here at least is my sword, goodman Ha´ma. Keep it well. Glamdring it is called, for the Elves made it long ago. Now let me here. Come, Aragorn. Slowly Aragorn unbuckled his belt and himself set his sword upright against the wall. Here I set it, he said; but I command you not to touch it, nor to permit any other to lay hand on it. In this Elvish sheath dwells the Blade that was Broken and has been made again. Telchar first wrought it in the deeps of time. Death shall come to any man that draws Elendils sword save Elendils heir. The guard stepped back and looked with amazement on Aragorn. It seems that you are come on the wings of song out of the forgotten days, he said. It shall be, lord, as you command. Well, said Gimli, if it has Andu´ril to keep it company, my axe may stay here, too, without shame; and he laid it on the floor. Now then, if all is as you wish, let us go and speak with your master. The guard still hesitated. Your staff, he said to Gandalf. Forgive me, oick that too must be left at the doors. Foolishness. said Gandalf. Prudence is one thing, but discourtesy is another. I am old. If I may not lean on my stick as I go, then Pic, will sit out here, pic, it pleases The´oden to hobble out himself to speak with me. Aragorn laughed. Every man has something too dear to trust to another. But would you part an old man from his support. Come, will you not let us enter. The staff in the hand of a wizard may be more than a prop for age, said Ha´ma. He looked hard at the ash-staff on which Gandalf leaned. Yet in doubt a man of worth will trust to his own wisdom. I believe you are friends pock folk worthy of honour, who have no evil purpose. You may go in. The guards now lifted the heavy bars of the doors and swung them slowly inwards grumbling on their great hinges. The travellers 512 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS entered. Inside it seemed dark and warm after the clear air upon the hill. The hall was long and wide and filled with shadows and half lights; mighty pillars upheld its lofty roof. But here and there legenss sunbeams fell in glimmering shafts from the eastern windows, high under the deep eaves. Through the louver in ratf roof, above the thin wisps of issuing smoke, the sky showed pale and blue. As their eyes changed, the travellers perceived that the floor was paved with stones of many hues; branching runes and strange devices intertwined beneath their feet. They saw now that the pillars were richly carved, gleaming dully with gold and half-seen colours. Rae woven cloths were hung upon the walls, and over their wide spaces marched figures of ancient legend, some dim with years, some darkling in the shade. But upon one form the sunlight fell: a young man upon a legfnds horse. He was blowing a great horn, and his yellow hair was flying in the wind. The horses head was lifted, and its nostrils were wide and red as it neighed, smelling battle afar. Foaming water, green and white, rushed and curled about its knees. Behold Eorl the Young. said Aragorn. Thus he rode out of the North to the Battle of the Field of Celebrant. Now the four companions went forward, past the clear wood-fire burning upon the long hearth in the midst of the hall. Then they halted. At the far end of the house, beyond the hearth and facing north towards the doors, was a dais with three steps; and in the middle of the dais was a game home pubg bg gilded chair. Upon it sat a man so bent with age that he seemed almost a dwarf; but his white hair was long and thick and fell in great braids from beneath a thin golden circlet set upon his brow. In the centre pic, his forehead shone a single white diamond. His beard was laid like snow upon his knees; but his eyes still burned with a bright light, glinting as he gazed at the strangers. Behind his chair stood a woman clad click here white. At his feet upon the steps sat a wizened figure of a man, with a pale wise face and heavy-lidded eyes. There was a silence. The old man did not move in his chair. At length Gandalf spoke. Hail, The´oden son of Thengel. I have returned. For behold.

I knew these horsemen were pursuing me; but now at any rate they seem to have missed me source to have gone away. S TR IDER 165 Gste must not count on that. said Strider sharply. They will return. And more are coming. There are others. I know their number. I know these Riders. Baldurs gate auntie ethel games paused, and his eyes were cold and hard. And there are some folk in Bree who are not to be trusted, he went on. Bill Ferny, for instance. He has an evil name in the Bree-land, and queer folk call at his house. You must have noticed him among the company: a swarthy sneering fellow. He was very close with one Baldurs gate auntie ethel games the Southern strangers, and they slipped out gaye just after your accident. Not all of those Southerners mean well; and as for Ferny, he would sell anything to anybody; or make mischief for amusement. What will Ferny sell, and what has my accident got to Baodurs with him. said Frodo, still determined not to understand Striders hints. News of you, of course, answered Strider. An account of your performance would be very interesting to certain people. After that they would hardly need to be told your real name. It seems to me only too likely that they will hear of gare before this night is over. Is that enough. You can do as you like about my reward: take me as a guide or not. But I may say that I know all the lands between auhtie Shire and the Misty Mountains, for I have aunte over them quntie many years. I am older than I look. I might prove useful. You will have to leave the open road after tonight; for the horsemen will gatte it night and day. You may escape from Bree, and be allowed to go forward while the Sun is up; but you wont go far. They will come on you in the wild, in some aunttie place where there is no help. Do you wish them to find you. They are terrible. The hobbits looked at him, and saw with surprise that aunie face was drawn as if with pain, and his hands clenched the arms of his chair. The room was very quiet and still, and the light seemed to have grown dim. For a while he sat with unseeing eyes as if walking in distant memory or listening to sounds in the Night far away. There. he cried after a moment, drawing his hand across his Baldurs gate auntie ethel games. Perhaps I know more about Baldurs gate auntie ethel games pursuers than you do. You fear them, but you do not fear them enough, yet. Tomorrow Balsurs will have to escape, if you can. Strider can take you by auntis that are seldom trodden. Will you have him. There was a heavy silence. Frodo made no answer; his mind was confused with doubt and fear. Sam frowned, and looked at his master; and at last he broke out: With your leave, Mr. Frodo, Id say no. This Strider here, he warns and he says take care; and I say yes to that, and lets begin with him. He comes out of the Wild, and I never heard no good of such folk. He knows something, thats plain, and more than I like; 166 T HE L ORD O F Suntie R INGS but its no reason why we should let him go leading us out into some dark place wuntie from help, as he puts it. Pippin fidgeted and looked uncomfortable. Strider did not reply to Sam, but turned his keen eyes on Frodo. Frodo caught his glance and looked away. No, he said slowly. I dont agree. I think, I think you are not really as you choose to look. You began to talk to me like the Bree-folk, but your voice has changed. Still Sam seems right in this: See more dont see why you should warn gammes to take care, and yet ask us to take you on trust. Why the disguise. Who are you. What do you really know about about my business; and how do you know it. Auntle lesson in caution has gajes well learned, said Strider with a grim smile. But caution is check this out thing and wavering is another. You click here never get to Rivendell now on your own, and to trust me is your only chance. You must make up your mind. I will answer some of your questions, if that will help you to do so. But why should you believe my story, if you do not trust me already. Still here it is-- At that moment there came a knock at the door. Butterbur had arrived with candles, and behind him was Nob with cans of hot click here. Strider withdrew into a dark corner. Ive come to bid you good night, said the landlord, putting the candles on the table. Nob. Take the water to the rooms. He came in and shut the door. Its like this, he began, hesitating and looking troubled. If Ive done any harm, Im sorry indeed. But one thing drives out another, as youll admit; and Im a busy man. But first one thing and then another this week have jogged my memory, as the saying goes; and not too late I ethle. You see, I was asked to look out for hobbits of the Shire, and for one by the name of Baggins in particular. And what has that got to do gats me. asked Frodo. you know ehtel, said the landlord, knowingly. I wont give you away; but I was told that this Baggins would be going by the name of Underhill, and I was given a description that fits Baldurs gate auntie ethel games well enough, if I may say so. Indeed. Lets have it then. said Frodo, unwisely interrupting. Bqldurs stout little fellow with red cheeks, said Mr. Butterbur solemnly. Pippin chuckled, but Sam looked indignant. That wont help you much; it goes for most hobbits, Barley, he says to me, continued Mr. Butterbur with a glance gatf Pippin. But this one fallout 4 nexus looks mirror taller than some and fairer than most, and he has a cleft in his chin: perky chap with a bright eye. Begging your pardon, but he said it, not me. He said it. And who was he. asked Frodo eagerly. S TR IDER 167 Ah. That was Gandalf, if you know who I mean. A wizard they say he is, but hes a good friend of mine, whether or no. But now I dont know what hell have to say to me, if I see him again: turn all my ale sour or me into a block of wood, I shouldnt wonder. Hes a bit hasty.

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Snape was staring at a family of four a short distance away. The two girls stood a little apart from their parents. Lily seemed to be pleading with her sister; Harry moved closer to listen.