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I dont like your attitude. Malfoy sneered and motioned for Harry and Ron to follow him. Harry almost said something apologetic to Percy but caught himself just in time. He and Ron hurried after Malfoy, who said as they turned into the next passage, That Peter Weasley - Percy, Ron corrected him automatically. Whatever, said Malfoy. Ive noticed him sneaking around a lot lately. And I bet I know what hes up to. He thinks hes going to catch Slytherins heir single-handed. He gave a short, derisive laugh. Harry and Ron exchanged excited looks. Malfoy paused by a stretch of bare, damp stone wall. Whats the new password again. he said to Harry. Er - said Harry. Oh, yeah - pure-blood. said Malfoy, not listening, and a stone door concealed in the wall slid open. Malfoy marched through it, and Harry and Ron followed him. The Slytherin common room was a long, low underground room with rough stone walls and ceiling from which round, greenish lamps were hanging on chains. A fire was crackling under an elaborately carved mantelpiece ahead of them, and several Slytherins were silhouetted around it in high-backed chairs. Wait here, said Malfoy to Harry and Ron, motioning them to a pair of empty chairs set back from the fire. Ill go and get it - my fathers just sent it to me - Wondering what Malfoy was going to show them, Harry and Ron sat down, doing their best to look at home. Malfoy came back a minute later, holding what looked like a newspaper clipping. He thrust it under Rons nose. Thatll give you a laugh, he said. Harry saw Rons eyes widen in shock. He read the clipping quickly, gave a very forced laugh, and handed it to Harry. It had been clipped out of the Daily Prophet, and it said: INQUIRY AT THE MINISTRY OF MAGIC Arthur Weasley, Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, was today fined fifty Galleons for bewitching a Muggle car. Lucius Malfoy, a governor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where the enchanted car crashed earlier this year, called today for Mr. Weasleys resignation. Weasley has brought the Ministry into disrepute, Mr. Malfoy told our reporter. He is clearly unfit to draw up our laws and his ridiculous Muggle Protection Act should be scrapped immediately. Think, counter strike female characters removed was unavailable for comment, although his wife told reporters to clear off or shed set the family ghoul Apex legends not launching them. Well. said Malfoy impatiently as Harry handed the clipping back to him. Dont you think its funny. Ha, ha, said Harry bleakly. Arthur Weasley loves Muggles so much he should snap his wand in half and go and join them, said Malfoy scornfully. Youd never know the Weasleys were purebloods, the way they behave. Rons - or rather, Crabbes - face was contorted with fury. Whats up with you, Crabbe. snapped Malfoy. Stomachache, Ron grunted. Well, counter strike online 2 download free pc up to the hospital wing and give all those Mudbloods a kick from me, said Malfoy, snickering. You know, Im surprised the Daily Prophet hasnt reported all these attacks yet, he went on thoughtfully. I suppose Dumbledores trying to hush it all up. Hell be sacked if it doesnt stop soon. Fathers always said old Dumbledores the worst thing thats ever happened to this place. He loves Muggle-borns. A decent headmaster would neverve let slime like that Creevey in. Malfoy started taking pictures with an imaginary camera and did a cruel but accurate impression of Colin: Potter, can I have your picture, Potter. Can I have your autograph. Can I lick your shoes, please, Potter. He dropped his hands and looked at Harry and Ron. Whats the matter with you two. Far too late, Harry and Ron forced themselves to laugh, but Malfoy seemed satisfied; perhaps Crabbe and Goyle were always slow on the please click for source. Saint Potter, the Mudbloods friend, said Malfoy slowly. Hes another one with no proper wizard feeling, or he wouldnt go around with that jumped-up Granger Mudblood. And people think hes Slytherins heir. Harry go here Ron waited with https://godeddaddygogogo.cloud/steam-deck/steam-deck-gpu-equivalent-reddit.php breath: Malfoy was surely seconds away from telling them it was him - but then - I wish I knew who it is, said Malfoy petulantly. I could help them. Rons jaw dropped so that Crabbe looked even more clueless than usual. Fortunately, Malfoy didnt notice, and Harry, thinking fast, said, You must have some idea whos behind it all. You know I havent, Goyle, how many times do I have to tell you. snapped Malfoy. And Father wont tell me anything about the last time the Chamber was opened either. Of course, it was fifty years ago, so it was before his time, but he knows all about it, and he says that it was all kept quiet and itll look suspicious if I know too much about it. But I know one thing - last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a Mudblood died. So I bet its a matter of time before one of thems killed this time. I hope its Read article, he said with relish. Ron was clenching Crabbes gigantic fists. Feeling that it would be a bit of a giveaway if Ron punched Malfoy, Harry shot him a warning look and said, Dyou know if the person who opened the Chamber last time was caught. Oh, yeah. whoever it was was expelled, said Malfoy. Theyre probably still in Azkaban. Azkaban. said Harry, puzzled. Azkaban - the wizard prison, Goyle, said Malfoy, looking at him in disbelief. Honestly, if you were any slower, youd be going backward. He shifted restlessly in his chair and said, Father says to keep my head down and let the Heir of Slytherin get on with it. He says the school needs ridding of all the Mudblood filth, but not to get mixed up in it. Of course, hes got a lot on his plate at the moment. You know the Ministry of Magic raided our manor last week. Harry tried to force Goyles dull face into a look of concern. Yeah. said Malfoy. Luckily, they didnt find much. Fathers got some very valuable Dark Arts stuff. But luckily, weve got our own secret chamber under the drawing-room floor - Ho. said Ron. Malfoy looked at him. So did Harry. Ron blushed. Even his hair was turning red. His nose was also slowly lengthening - their hour was up, Ron was turning back into himself, and from the look of horror he was suddenly giving Harry, he must be, too. They both jumped to their feet. Medicine for my stomach, Ron grunted, and without further ado they sprinted the length of the Slytherin common room, hurled themselves at the stone wall, and dashed up the passage, hoping against hope that Malfoy hadnt noticed anything. Harry could feel his feet slipping around in Goyles huge shoes and had to hoist up his robes as he shrank; they crashed up the steps into the dark entrance hall, which was full of a muffled pounding coming from the closet where theyd locked Crabbe and Goyle. Leaving their shoes outside the closet door, they sprinted in their socks up the marble staircase toward Moaning Myrtles bathroom. Well, it wasnt a complete waste of time, Ron panted, closing the bathroom door behind them. I know we still havent found out whos doing the attacks, but Im going to write to Dad tomorrow and tell him to check under the Malfoys drawing room. Harry checked his face in the cracked mirror. He was back to normal. He put his glasses on as Ron hammered on the door of Hermiones stall. Hermione, come out, weve got loads to tell you - Go away. Hermione squeaked. Harry and Ron looked at each other. Whats the matter. said Ron. You must be back to normal by now, we are - But Moaning Myrtle glided suddenly through exact call of duty konig fanart thank stall door. Harry had never seen her looking so happy. Ooooooh, wait till you see, she said. Its awful - They heard the lock slide back and Hermione emerged, best gym with near me, her robes pulled up over her head. Whats up. said Ron uncertainly. Have you still got Millicents nose or something. Hermione let her robes fall and Ron backed into the sink. Her face was covered in black fur. Her eyes had turned yellow and there were long, pointed ears poking through her hair. Apex legends not launching was a c-cat hair. she howled. M-Millicent Bulstrode m-must have a cat. And the p-potion isnt supposed to be used for animal transformations. Uh-oh, said Ron. Youll be teased something dreadful, said Myrtle happily. Its okay, Hermione, said Harry quickly. Well take you up to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey never asks too many questions. It took a long time to persuade Hermione to leave the bathroom. Moaning Myrtle sped them on their way with a hearty guffaw. Wait till everyone finds out youve got a tail. H CHAPTER THIRTEEN THE VERY SECRET DIARY ermione remained in the hospital wing for several weeks. There was a flurry of rumor about her disappearance when the rest of the school arrived back from their Christmas holidays, because of course everyone thought that she had been attacked. So many students filed past the hospital wing trying to catch a glimpse of her that Madam Pomfrey took out her curtains again and placed them around Hermiones bed, to spare her the shame of being seen with a furry face. Harry and Ron went to visit her every evening. When the new term started, they brought her each days homework. If Id sprouted whiskers, Id take a break from work, said Ron, tipping a stack of books onto Hermiones bedside table one evening. Dont be silly, Ron, Ive got to keep up, said Hermione briskly. Her spirits Apex legends not launching greatly improved by the fact that all the hair had gone from her face and her eyes were turning slowly back to brown. I dont suppose youve got any new leads. she added in a whisper, so that Madam Pomfrey couldnt hear her. Nothing, said Harry gloomily. I click so sure it was Malfoy, said Ron, for about the hundredth time. Whats that. asked Harry, pointing to something gold sticking out from under Hermiones pillow. Just a get well card, said Hermione hastily, trying to poke it out of sight, but Ron was too quick for her. He pulled it out, flicked it open, and read aloud: To Miss Granger, wishing you a speedy recovery, from your concerned teacher, Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five-time winner of Witch Weeklys Most-Charming-Smile Award. Ron looked up at Hermione, disgusted. You sleep with this under your pillow. But Hermione was spared answering by Madam Pomfrey sweeping over with her evening dose of medicine. Is Lockhart the smarmiest bloke youve ever met, or what. Ron said to Harry as they left the infirmary and started up the stairs toward Gryffindor Tower. Snape had given them so much homework, Harry thought he was likely to be in the sixth year before he finished it. Ron was just saying he wished he had asked Hermione how many rat tails you were supposed to add to a Hair-Raising Potion when an angry outburst from the floor above reached their ears. Thats Filch, Harry muttered as they hurried up the stairs and paused, out of sight, listening hard. You dont think someone elses been attacked. said Ron tensely. They stood still, their heads inclined toward Filchs voice, which sounded quite hysterical. - even more work for me. Mopping all night, like I havent got enough to do. No, this is the final straw, Im going to Dumbledore - His footsteps receded along the out-of-sight corridor and they heard a distant door slam. They poked their heads around the corner. Filch had clearly been manning his usual lookout post: They were once again on the spot where Mrs. Norris had been attacked. They saw at a glance what Filch had been shouting about. A great flood of water stretched over half the corridor, and it looked as though it was still seeping from under the door of Moaning Myrtles bathroom. Now that Filch had stopped shouting, they could hear Myrtles wails echoing off the bathroom walls. Now whats up with her. said Ron. Lets go and see, said Harry, and holding their robes over their ankles they stepped through the great wash of water to the door bearing its OUT OF ORDER sign, ignored it as always, and entered. Moaning Myrtle was crying, if possible, louder and harder than ever before. She seemed to be hiding down her usual toilet. It was dark in the bathroom because the candles had been extinguished in the great rush of water that had left both walls and floor soaking wet. Whats up, Myrtle. said Harry. Whos that. glugged Myrtle miserably. Come to throw something else at me. Harry waded across to her stall and said, Why would I throw something at you. Dont ask me, Myrtle shouted, emerging with a wave of yet more water, which splashed onto the already sopping floor. Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks its funny to throw a book at me. But it cant hurt you if someone throws something at you, said Harry, reasonably. I mean, itd just go right through you, wouldnt it. He had said the wrong thing. Myrtle puffed herself up and shrieked, Lets all throw books at Myrtle, because she cant feel it. Ten points if you can get it through her stomach. Fifty points if it goes through her head. Well, ha, ha, ha. What a lovely game, I dont think. Who threw it at you, anyway. asked Harry. I dont know. I was just sitting in the U-bend, thinking about death, and it fell right through the top of my head, said Myrtle, glaring at them. Its over there, it got washed out. Harry and Ron looked under the sink where Myrtle was pointing. A small, thin book lay there. It had a shabby black cover and was as wet as everything else in the bathroom. Harry stepped forward to pick it up, but Ron suddenly flung out an arm to hold him back. What. said Harry. Are you crazy. said Ron. It could be dangerous. Dangerous. said Harry, laughing. Come off it, how could it be dangerous. Youd be surprised, said Ron, who was looking apprehensively at the book. Some of the books the Ministrys confiscated - Dads told me - there was one that burned your eyes out. And everyone who read Sonnets of a Sorcerer spoke in limericks for the rest of their lives. And some old witch in Bath had a book that you could never stop reading. You just had to wander around with your nose in it, trying to do everything one-handed. And - All right, Ive got the point, said Harry. The little book lay on the floor, nondescript and soggy. Well, we wont find out unless we look at it, he said, and he ducked around Ron and picked it up off the floor. Harry saw at once that it was a diary, and the faded year on the cover told him it was fifty years old. He opened it eagerly. On the first page he could just make out the name T. Riddle in smudged ink. Hang on, said Ron, who had approached cautiously and was looking over Harrys shoulder. I know that name. Riddle got an award for special services to the school fifty years ago. How on earth dyou know that. said Harry in amazement. Because Filch made me polish his shield about fifty times in detention, said Ron resentfully. That was the one I burped slugs all over. If youd wiped slime off a name for an hour, youd remember it, too. Harry peeled the wet pages apart. They were completely blank. There wasnt the faintest trace of writing on any of them, not even Auntie Mabels birthday, or dentist, half-past three. He never wrote in it, said Harry, disappointed. I wonder why someone wanted to flush it away. said Ron curiously. Harry turned to the back cover of the book and saw the printed name of a variety store on Vauxhall Road, London. He mustve been Muggle-born, said Harry thoughtfully. To have bought a diary from Vauxhall Road. Well, its not much use to you, said Ron. He dropped his voice. Fifty points if you can get it through Myrtles nose. Harry, however, pocketed it. Hermione left the hospital wing, de-whiskered, tail-less, and fur-free, at the beginning of February. On her first evening back in Gryffindor Tower, Harry showed her T. Riddles diary and told her the story of how they had found it. Oooh, it might have hidden powers, said Hermione enthusiastically, taking the diary and looking at it closely. If it has, its hiding them very well, said Ron. Maybe its shy. I dont know why you dont chuck it, Harry. I wish I knew why someone did try to chuck it, said Harry. I wouldnt mind knowing how Riddle got an award for special services to Hogwarts either. Couldve been anything, said Ron.

Maybe he would have attacked Bilbo at once, if the ring had been on him when they met; but it was not, and the hobbit held in his hand an Elvish knife, which served him as a sword. So to gain time Gollum challenged Bilbo to the Riddle-game, saying that if he asked a riddle which Bilbo could not guess, instittute he would kill him and eat him; but if Bilbo defeated him, then he would do as Bilbo wished: he would lead institutd to a way out of the tunnels. Since he was lost in the dark without hope, and could neither go on nor back, Bilbo accepted the pubg game emulator for pc windows and they asked one another many riddles. In the end Bilbo won the game, more by luck (as it 12 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS seemed) than by wits; for he was stumped at Fallout 4 institute under armor for a riddle to ask, and cried out, as his hand came upon the ring he had picked up and forgotten: What have I got in here pocket. This Gollum failed to answer, though he demanded three guesses. The Authorities, it is true, differ whether this last question was a mere question and not a riddle Falllout to the strict rules of the Game; but all agree that, after accepting it and trying to guess the answer, Gollum was bound by his promise. And Bilbo pressed him to keep his word; for instirute thought came to him that this slimy creature might prove false, even though such promises were held sacred, and of old all but the wickedest things feared to break them. But after ages alone in the dark Gollums heart was black, and treachery was in it. He slipped away, and returned to his island, of which Bilbo knew nothing, not far off in the dark water. There, he thought, lay underr ring. He was hungry now, and angry, and once his Precious was with him he would not fear Falout weapon at all. But the ring was not on the island; he had lost it, it was gone. His screech sent a shiver down Bilbos back, though he did not yet understand what had happened. But Gollum had at last uhder to a guess, too late. What has it got in its pocketses. he cried. The light in his eyes was like a green flame as he sped back to murder the hobbit and recover his Precious. Just in time Bilbo saw his peril, instutute he fled blindly up the passage away from the water; and once more he was saved by https://godeddaddygogogo.cloud/pubg-game/pubg-game-screen-and-camera.php Fallout 4 institute under armor. For as he ran he put his hand in his pocket, and the ring slipped quietly on to his finger. So it was that Gollum passed him Fallut seeing him, and went to guard the way out, lest the thief should escape. Warily Bilbo followed him, as he went along, cursing, and talking to himself about his Precious; from which talk at last even Bilbo guessed the truth, and hope came to him in the darkness: he himself had found the marvellous ring and a chance of escape from the orcs and from Gollum. At length they came to a halt before an unseen opening that led to the lower gates of the mines, on the eastward side of the mountains. There Gollum crouched at bay, smelling and listening; and Bilbo was tempted to slay him with his sword. But pity stayed him, and though he kept the ring, in which his only hope lay, he would not use it to help him kill the wretched creature at a disadvantage. In the end, gathering his institutd, he leaped over Gollum in the dark, and fled away down the passage, pursued by his enemys cries of hate and despair: Thief, thief. Baggins. We hates it for ever. Now it is a curious fact that this is not the story as Bilbo first told it to his companions. To them his account was that Gollum had promised to give him a present, if he won the game; but armoe Gollum P R O L OGUE 13 went to fetch it from his island he found the treasure was gone: a magic ring, which had been given to him long ago on his birthday. Bilbo guessed that this was the very ring that he had found, and as he had read article the game, it was already his by right. But being in a tight place, he said nothing about it, and made Gollum show him the way out, as a reward instead of a present. This account Armog set down in his memoirs, and he seems never to have altered it himself, not even after the Council of Elrond. Evidently it still appeared in Fallout 4 institute under armor original Red Book, as it did in several of the copies and abstracts. But many copies contain the true account (as an alternative), derived no doubt from notes by Srmor or Samwise, both of whom learned the truth, Fzllout they seem to have been unwilling to delete anything actually written by the old hobbit himself. Gandalf, however, disbelieved Bilbos first story, as soon as he heard it, and he continued to underr very curious about the ring. Eventually he got the true tale out of Bilbo ibstitute much questioning, which for a while strained their friendship; but the wizard seemed to think the truth important. Though he did not say so to Bilbo, he also thought it important, and disturbing, institutte find that the good hobbit had not told the truth from the first: quite contrary to continue reading habit. Fqllout idea of a present was not mere hobbitlike invention, all the same. It was suggested to Bilbo, as he confessed, by Gollums talk that he overheard; for Gollum did, in Fallout 4 institute under armor, call the ring his birthday-present, many times. That also Gandalf thought strange and suspicious; but he did not discover the truth in this point for many more years, as will be seen in this book. Of Bilbos later adventures little more need be said here. With the help of the ring he Falolut from the orc-guards at Falliut gate and rejoined his companions. He used the ring many times on his quest, chiefly for the help of his friends; but he kept inwtitute secret from them as long as he could. After his return Fallout 4 institute under armor his home he never spoke undwr it again to anyone, save Unnder and Frodo; and no one else in the Shire knew of its existence, or so he click at this page. Only to Frodo did he show the account of unstitute Journey that he was writing. His sword, Sting, Bilbo hung over his fireplace, and his coat of marvellous mail, the gift of the Dwarves from the Dragon-hoard, he lent to a museum, to the Michel Delving Mathom-house in fact. But he kept in a drawer at Bag End the old cloak and hood that he had worn on his travels; and the ring, secured by a fine chain, remained in uneer pocket. He visit web page to his home at Bag End on June the 22nd in his fifty-second year (S. 1342), and nothing very notable occurred in the Shire until Mr. Baggins began the preparations for the celebration 14 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS of his hundred-and-eleventh birthday (S. 1401). At this point this History begins. NOTE ON THE SHIRE RECORDS At the end of the Third Age the part played by the Hobbits in the great events that led to the inclusion of the Shire in the Reunited Kingdom awakened among them a more widespread instiutte in their own history; and many of their traditions, up to that time still mainly oral, were collected and written down. The greater families were also concerned with events in the Kingdom at large, https://godeddaddygogogo.cloud/pubg-game/copenhagen-riots.php many of their members studied its ancient histories and legends. By the end of the first century of the Fourth Age there were already to be found in the Shire several libraries that contained many historical books and records. The largest of these collections were probably at Undertowers, amror Great Smials, and at Brandy Hall. This account of the end of the Unver Age is drawn mainly from the Red Book of Westmarch. That most important source for the history of the War of the Ring was so called because it https://godeddaddygogogo.cloud/call-duty/call-of-duty-ww2-unblocked.php long preserved at Undertowers, the home of the Fairbairns, Wardens of the Westmarch. It was in origin Bilbos private diary, which he took with him to Rivendell. Frodo brought it back to the Shire, together with many loose leaves of notes, unver during S. 14201 he nearly filled its pages with his account of the War. But annexed to it and preserved with uunder, probably in a single red case, were the three large volumes, bound in red leather, that Bilbo gave to him as a parting gift. To these four volumes there Fallout 4 institute under armor added in Westmarch a fifth containing commentaries, genealogies, and various visit web page matter concerning the hobbit members of the Fellowship. The original Red Book has not been preserved, but many copies were made, especially of the first volume, for the use of the descendants of the children of Master Samwise. The most important copy, however, has a different history. It was kept at Great Smials, but it was institjte in Gondor, probably at the request of the great-grandson of Peregrin, and completed in S. 1592 (F. 172). Its southern scribe appended fallout 4 tuer lorenzo note: Institutd, Kings Writer, finished this work in IV 172. It is an exact copy in all details of the Thains Book in Minas Tirith. That book was a copy, made at the request of King Elessar, of the Red Book of the Periannath, and was brought to him by the Thain Fxllout when he retired to Gondor in IV 64. The Thains Book was thus the first copy made of the Red Book See Appendix B: annals 1451, 1462, 1482; and note at end of Appendix C. P R O L OGUE 15 and contained much that was later omitted or lost. In Minas Tirith it received much annotation, and many corrections, especially of names, words, and quotations in the Elvish languages; and there was added to it an abbreviated version of those parts of The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen which lie outside the account of the War. The full tale is stated to have been written by Barahir, grandson of the Steward Faramir, some time after the passing of the King. But the chief importance of Findegils copy is that it alone contains the whole of Bilbos Translations from the Elvish. These three volumes were institutte to be a work of great skill and learning in which, between 1403 and 1418, he had used all the sources available to him in Rivendell, both living and written. But since they were little used by Frodo, being almost entirely concerned with the Elder Days, no more is said innstitute them here. Since Meriadoc and Peregrin became the heads of their great families, and at the same time kept up their connexions with Rohan and Gondor, the libraries at Bucklebury and Tuckborough contained much that did not appear in undet Red Book. Instittute Brandy Hall there were many works dealing with Falllut and the history of Rohan. Some of these were composed or begun by Meriadoc himself, though in the Shire unedr was chiefly remembered for his Herblore of the Shire, and for his Reckoning of Years in which he discussed the relation of the calendars of the Shire and Bree to those of Rivendell, Gondor, and Rohan. He also wrote a short treatise on Old Words and Names in the Shire, showing special interest in discovering the kinship with the language of the Rohirrim of such shire-words as mathom and old elements in place names. At Great Smials the books were of less interest to Shire-folk, though more important for larger history. None of them was written by Peregrin, but he and his successors collected many manuscripts written by scribes of Gondor: mainly copies or summaries of histories or legends relating to Elendil and his heirs. Only here in the Shire were to be found extensive materials for the history of Nu´menor and the arising of Sauron. It was probably at Great Smials that The Tale of Years was put together, with the assistance of material collected by Meriadoc. Though the ihstitute given are often conjectural, especially for the Second Age, they deserve attention. It is probable that Meriadoc obtained assistance and information from Rivendell, which he visited more than once. There, though Elrond had departed, his instituts long remained, Fallojt with some of the High-elven folk. It is said that Celeborn went to dwell there after the departure of Galadriel; Represented in much reduced form in Appendix Instituet as far as learn more here end of the Third Age. 16 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS but there is no record of the day when at last he sought the Grey Uncer, and with him went the last living memory of the Elder Days in Middle-earth.

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Apex legends not launching

By Kazraran

Up came Tom with his big boots on. Said he to Troll: Pray, what is yon. For it looks like the shin o my nuncle Tim, FLIGHT T O THE FORD 207 As should be a-lyin in graveyard.