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By Moogukinos

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He shed her blood, but it lives on in you and her sister. Her blood became your refuge. You need return there only once a year, but as long as you can still call it home, there he cannot hurt you. Your aunt knows this. I explained what I had deletted in the letter I left, with you, on her doorstep. She knows that allowing you houseroom may well have kept you alive for the past fifteen years. Wait, said Harry. Wait a moment. He sat up straighter in his chair, staring at Dumbledore. You sent that Howler. You told her to remember - it was your voice - I thought, said Dumbledore, inclining his head slightly, that she might need reminding of the pact she had sealed by accouunt you. I suspected the dementor attack might have awoken her to the dangers of having you as a surrogate son. It did, said Harry quietly. Well - my uncle more than her. He wanted to chuck me out, but after the Howler came she - she said I had to stay. He stared at the floor for a moment, then said, But whats this got to do with. He could not say Siriuss name. Five years ago, then, continued Dumbledore, as though he had not paused in his story, you arrived at Hogwarts, neither as happy nor as well nourished as I would have liked, Apex legends account deleted, yet alive and healthy. You were not a pampered little prince, but as normal a boy as I could have hoped under the circumstances. Thus far, my plan was working well. And then. well, you will remember the events of your first year at Hogwarts quite as clearly as I do. You rose magnificently to the challenge that see more you, and sooner - much sooner - than I had anticipated, you found yourself face-to-face with Voldemort. You survived again. You did more. You delayed his return to full power and strength. You fought a mans fight. I was. prouder of you than I can say. Yet there was a flaw in this wonderful plan of mine, said Dumbledore. An obvious flaw that I knew, even then, might be the undoing of it all. And yet, knowing how important it was that my plan should succeed, I told myself that I would not permit this flaw to ruin it. I alone could prevent this, so I alone must be strong. And here was my first test, as you lay in the hospital wing, weak from your struggle with Voldemort. I dont understand what youre saying, said Harry. Dont you remember asking me, as you lay in the hospital wing, why Voldemort had tried to kill you when you were a baby. Harry nodded. Ought I to have told you then. Harry stared Apx the blue eyes and said nothing, but his heart was racing again. Releted do not see the flaw in the plan yet. No. perhaps not. Well, as you know, I decided not to answer you. Eleven, I told myself, was much too young to know. I had never intended to tell you when you were eleven. The knowledge would be too much at such a young age. I should have recognized the danger signs then. I should have asked myself why I did not feel more disturbed that you had already asked me the question to which I knew, one day, I must give a terrible answer. I should have recognized that I was too happy to think that I did not have to do it on that particular day. You were too young, much too young. And so we entered your second year at Hogwarts. And once again you met challenges even grown wizards have never faced. Once again you acquitted yourself beyond my wildest dreams. You did not ask me again, however, why Voldemort had left that mark upon you. We discussed your scar, oh yes. We came very, very close to the subject. Accounf did I not tell you everything. Well, it seemed to me that twelve was, after all, hardly better than eleven to receive such information. I allowed you to leave my presence, bloodstained, exhausted but exhilarated, and if I felt a twinge of unease that I ought, perhaps, to have told you then, it was swiftly silenced. You were still so young, you see, and I could not find it in me to spoil that night of triumph. Do you see, Harry. Do you see the flaw in my brilliant plan now. I had fallen into the trap I had foreseen, that I had told myself I could avoid, that I must avoid. I dont - I cared about you too much, said Dumbledore simply. I cared more for your happiness than your knowing the truth, more for your peace of mind than my plan, more for your life than the lives that might be lost if the plan failed. In other words, I acted exactly as Voldemort expects we fools who love to act. Is there a defense. I defy anyone who has watched you as I have - and I have watched you more closely than you can have imagined - not to want to save you more pain than you had already suffered. What did I care if numbers of nameless and faceless people and creatures were slaughtered in the vague future, if in the here and now you were alive, and well, and wccount. I never dreamed that I legencs have such a person more info my hands. We entered your third year. I watched from afar as you struggled to repel dementors, as you found Sirius, learned what he was and rescued him. Was I to tell you then, at the moment when you had triumphantly snatched your godfather from the jaws of the Ministry. But now, at the age of thirteen, my excuses were running out. Young you might be, but you had proved you were exceptional. My conscience was uneasy, Harry. I knew the time must come soon. But you came out of the maze last year, having watched Lfgends Diggory die, having escaped death so narrowly yourself. and I did not tell you, though I deletde, now Voldemort had returned, I must do it soon. And now, tonight, I know you have long been ready for the knowledge I have kept from you for so long, because you have proved that I should have placed the burden upon you before this. My only defense is this: I have watched you struggling under more burdens than any Apex legends account deleted who has ever passed through this school, and I could not bring myself to add another leyends the greatest one of all. Harry waited, but Dumbledore did not speak. I still dont understand. Voldemort tried to kill you when you were a child because of a prophecy made shortly before your birth. He knew the prophecy had been made, though he did not know its full contents. He set out to kill you when you were still a baby, believing he was fulfilling the terms of the prophecy. He discovered, to his cost, that he was mistaken, when the curse intended to kill you backfired. And so, since his return to his body, and particularly since your extraordinary escape from him last year, he has been determined to hear that prophecy in its entirety. This is the weapon he has been seeking so assiduously since his return: the knowledge of how to destroy you. Edleted sun had risen fully now. Dumbledores office was bathed in it. The glass case in which the sword of Godric Gryffindor resided gleamed white and opaque, the fragments of the instruments Harry had thrown to the floor glistened like raindrops, and behind him, the baby Fawkes made soft chirruping noises in his nest of ashes. The prophecys smashed, Harry said blankly. I was pulling Neville up those benches in the - the room where the archway was, and I ripped his robes and it fell acount. The thing that smashed https://godeddaddygogogo.cloud/steam-deck/steamworks-liquid.php merely the record of the prophecy kept by the Department of Mysteries. But the accountt was made to somebody, and that person has the means of recalling it perfectly. Who heard it. asked Harry, though he thought he knew the answer already. I deleeted, said Dumbledore.

Frodo and Samwise cast away their arms and gear. 24 Frodo and Samwise make their last journey to the feet of Mount Doom. The Host camps in the Desolation of the Morannon. 25 The Host is surrounded on the Slag-hills. Frodo and Samwise reach the Sammath Naur. Visit web page seizes the Ring and falls in the Cracks of Doom. Downfall of Barad-duˆr and passing of Sauron. After the fall of the Dark Tower and the passing of Sauron the Shadow was lifted from Pubg jackpot image hearts of all who opposed him, but fear and despair fell upon his servants and allies. Three times Lo´rien had been assailed from Dol Guldur, but besides the valour of the elven people of that land, the power that dwelt there Pubg jackpot image too great for any to overcome, unless Sauron had come there himself. Though grievous harm was done to the fair woods on the borders, the assaults were driven back; and when the Shadow passed, Celeborn came forth and led the host of Lo´rien over Anduin in many boats. They took Dol Guldur, and Galadriel threw down its walls and laid bare its pits, and the forest was cleansed. In the North also there had been war and evil. The realm of Thranduil was invaded, and there was long battle under the trees and great ruin of fire; but in the end Thranduil had the victory. And on the day of the New Year of the Elves, Celeborn and Thranduil met in the midst of the forest; and they renamed Mirkwood Eryn Lasgalen, The Wood of Greenleaves. Thranduil took all the northern region as far as the mountains that rise in the forest for Pubg jackpot image realm; and Celeborn took all the southern wood below the Narrows, and named it East Lo´rien; all the wide forest between was given to the Beornings and the Woodmen. But after the passing of Galadriel in a few years Celeborn grew weary of his realm and went to Imladris to dwell with the sons of Elrond. In the Greenwood the Silvan Elves remained untroubled, but in Lo´rien there lingered sadly only a few of its former people, and there was no longer light or song in Caras Galadhon. A PP ENDIX B 1095 At the same time as the great armies besieged Minas Tirith a host of the allies of Sauron that had long threatened the borders of King Brand crossed the River Carnen, and Brand was driven back to Dale. There he had the aid of the Dwarves of Erebor; and there was a great battle at the Mountains feet. It lasted three days, but in the end both King Brand and King Da´in Ironfoot were slain, and the Easterlings had the victory. But they could not take the Gate, and many, both Dwarves and Men, took refuge in Erebor, and there withstood a siege. When news came of the great victories in the South, then Saurons northern army was filled with dismay; and the besieged came forth and routed them, and the remnant fled into the East and troubled Dale no more. Then Bard II, Brands son, became King in Dale, and Thorin III Stonehelm, Da´ins son, became King under the Mountain. They sent their ambassadors to the crowning of King Elessar; and their realms remained ever after, as long as they lasted, in friendship with Gondor; and they were under the crown and protection of the King of the West. the chief days from the fall of barad-duˆ r to the end of the third for download strike counter mac free 1 3019 S. 1419 March 27. Bard II and Thorin III Stonehelm drive the enemy from Dale. Celeborn crosses Anduin; destruction of Dol Guldur begun. April 6. Meeting of Celeborn and Thranduil. The Ring-bearers are honoured on the Pubg jackpot image of Cormallen. May 1. Crowning of King Elessar; Elrond and Arwen set out from Rivendell. Eomer and Eowyn depart for Rohan with the sons of Elrond. ´ ´ 20. Elrond and Arwen come to Lo´rien. The escort of Arwen leaves Lo´rien. June 14. The sons of Elrond meet the escort and bring Arwen to Edoras. They set out for Gondor. King Elessar finds the sapling of the White Tree. 1 Lithe. Arwen comes to the City. Mid-years Day. Wedding of Elessar and Arwen. July 18. Eomer returns to Minas Tirith. ´ 22. The funeral escort of King The´oden sets out. August 7. The escort comes to Edoras. Funeral of King The´oden. 14 ´. The guests take leave of King Eomer. Treebeard releases Saruman. They come to Helms Deep. They come to Isengard; they take leave of the King of the West at sunset. They overtake Saruman; Saruman turns towards the Shire. Months and days are given according to the Shire Calendar. 1 1096 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS September 6. They halt in sight of the Mountains of Moria. Celeborn and Galadriel depart, the others set out for Rivendell. They return to Rivendell. The hundred and twenty-ninth birthday of Bilbo. Saruman comes to the Shire. October 5.

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By Balmaran

Mingled with harsh high voices as of birds of prey, and the shrill neighing of horses wild with rage and fear, there came a rending screech, shivering, rising swiftly to a piercing pitch beyond the range of hearing.

The hobbits accohnt round towards it, and cast themselves down, holding their hands upon their ears.